|Bionic Switcheroo|

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Aurora was in the main hallway at school talking to Adam, Bree, and Chase when Principal Perry suddenly rushed in and got their attention

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Aurora was in the main hallway at school talking to Adam, Bree, and Chase when Principal Perry suddenly rushed in and got their attention.

"Listen up, space-fillers! This is Emergency Preparedness Week. An emergency drill can happen at any time. So when the alarm sounds, you must evacuate the building in an orderly fashion—Like cattle, if cattle had acne... and braces... and a future filling up my gas tank." Principal Perry instructed before making fun of two near by students and speed walking away.

"That women has some serious problems." Aurora said as she watched Principal Perry let out a maniacal laugh.

"Oh, man! I wish I had Bree's super-speed! Because you do not want to be stuck walking behind cows in an emergency, trust me on that!" Adam exclaimed making Aurora furrow her brows.

"You would trade your super-strength for Bree's super-speed? Man, if I had your strength, I'd just run out of the building juggling those cows." Chase said as he juggled the air.

"Yeah, and if I had your super-intelligence, I'd have walked away from this conversation thirty seconds ago." Bree told the two, giving them a look.

"Agreed." Aurora said as the two high fived while Adam and Chase gave them offended looks only making them shrug in response.

"Hey, you know what would be awesome? If you guys took out your bionic chips and switched your abilities!" Leo suggested making Aurora violently shake her head in disagreement.

"Why on earth would you give them that idea?!" Aurora yelled, whacking Leo upside the head when she saw the grins on the three bionic teenagers faces.

"Why can't we?!" Chase asked them, making Aurora face palm knowing that this idea had to be the worst one yet.

"I call your super-smarts!" Bree pointed at Chase making Adam point at her saying, "I call your super-speed!" Lastly Chase pointed at Adam yelling, "I call your super-strength!"

"I call good looks!" Aurora said pointing at herself with a smirk on her face. "And charisma! Oh, too late. We already got 'em." Leo said matching Aurora's smirk.

After school the five teenagers went down to the lab to switch Adam, Bree, and Chase's bionics. They were all gathered around the console that was in front of the capsules.

"If you guys are gonna switch your chips before school, don't you think you should run this by Davenport first?" Leo asked and Aurora couldn't help but agree, she may have gotten roped into this plan but she didn't want to risk getting caught.

"They're our chips." Bree shrugged, not seeing the big deal.

"Well, yeah, but what if something glitches out and you end up with Adam's gigantic head on Chase's tiny, doll-like body?" Leo asked motioning towards Chase who was now looking down at his body in worry.

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