|Alter Ego|

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Aurora was down in the lab with Leo, Adam, Bree, and Chase

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Aurora was down in the lab with Leo, Adam, Bree, and Chase. They were all listening to Mr. Davenport speak about high school as if they were entering a battle field.

"Okay, guys you have been trained for all kinds of missions. But you are about to enter a soul-bruising, confidence-crushing apocalyptical environment." Mr. Davenport spoke building up the tension in the room, they all expected him to say something serious.

"High School." He finished and everyone's faces fell.  "Well that was a bit anticlimactic." Aurora said a little disappointed because she expected it to be some sort of deadly mission. Leo nodded in agreement and Adam, Bree, and Chase all gave Mr.Davenport an annoyed look.

"Adam, Bree, your glitch test results are fairly stable." Mr. Davenport spoke looking at the two who now held both relieved and excited expressions.

"Yes! I'm going to school!" Bree cheered pulling Aurora into a side hug out of excitement. "I'm so proud of you guys!" Aurora said to the two smiling.

"I'm fairly stable!" Adam cheered. "But, Chase, I am still concerned about your commando app." Mr. Davenport said and Chase looked up an expression of worry falling onto his features.

"Commando app? Put on some underpants we're going to school." Leo said disgusted Aurora nodded in agreement, "Yeah that might be a tad awkward in the locker rooms." Aurora said grimacing at the thought.

"No, see, in the face of an imminent threat, Chase's Commando App kicks in and he becomes a fearless brute I like to call Spike. It's kinda like a fight-or-flight thing, except I took out the flight part, 'cause, useless. And I replaced it with a testosterone level of like a Tasmanian devil-wolverine-shark-lion hybrid that's mad." Mr.Davenport explained to the two dramatically.

"Don't worry Mr. Davenport. I promise that Spike won't rear his ugly head." Chase said trying to reassure him.

"Oh, yeah? you mean like last Christmas when I made the mistake of giving Adam boxing gloves?" Mr. Davenport questioned.

"That couldn't have ended well." Aurora said knowing that Spike probably beat Adam up. "Ugh. I'm still coughing up tinsel." Adam said shivering at the thought.

"You know, letting Chase go to school, Isn't such a good idea. I can't risk Spike coming out." Mr. Davenport said before walking over to one of the desks in the lab. While Aurora and Leo desperately tried convincing him to let Chase go to school with them.

"Oh, come on. Big D. Chase has to come, with these guys I'll finally get a prime spot in the cafeteria. That's right ya'll, put on your coats, cause I'm about to ride your tail!" Leo said to Mr. Davenport pretending he was riding a horse. 

Aurora put a hand on his shoulder keeping him in place when she noticed everyone giving him blank stares. 

"Yeah, and more importantly, Chase has to come because he's always wanted to go to school and it wouldn't be fair to let Adam and Bree go and not him." Aurora said trying to convince him as well.

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