|Football Dilemma|

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Aurora was still in the cafeteria seated next to Bree

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Aurora was still in the cafeteria seated next to Bree. She felt a rush of fear run through her body when she realized that once Principal Perry figures out what happened to her football team, they were all going to be in so much trouble.

One of her biggest habits that tends to happen when she's nervous is her leg bouncing up and down uncontrollably, it happens so often that she hardly even realizes when she's doing it. She only snapped out of it when she felt a hand on her knee, stopping her movement.

Aurora paused and looked down at the hand and then up to see who stopped her, she froze in place when she saw Bree giving her a soft smile. It may have seemed like a simple gesture but it still made Aurora's heart race. Not knowing what to say to Bree, she just mouthed a small thank you and smiled at her, Bree returned the smile and took her hand off of Aurora's knee when she sensed Aurora calming down.

Aurora looked around at everyone that was at the table awkwardly, they were all seated in silence waiting for someone to say something to break the uncomfortable tension.

"Hey, Baby. Wanna nibble?" Leo suddenly asked the cheerleader sitting next to him, breaking the silence between the group.

The Cheerleader just looked at him hesitantly and Aurora cringed in the back, watching Leo try to flirt with cheerleaders was not a pleasant sight.

"Hey, There's Trent. I better go apologize." Chase said, feeling bad for what Spike had caused earlier, especially when he saw Trent sit at a table and the whole table slanted, spilling the food onto the floor.

"Whoa! Slow it up buttercup." Bree spoke pushing Chase back into his seat when he shot up. "Mail him a greeting card. It's so much more personal." Leo said shrugging his shoulders.

Aurora couldn't help but agree with the two, "Yeah, if you try talking to him now he'll beat you into a bloody pulp."

"Guys, look. The cheerleaders cut up my food into tiny pieces. I'm eating a turkey burger through a straw. Mmm. Gibblet-y!" Adam said happily using his straw to suck up the tiny pieces of the turkey burger.

The rest stared at him in disgust. "Yeah, no. That's disgusting." Aurora said while reaching over the table and grabbing Adam's plate from him, not being able to watch him eat it with a straw any longer. Instead, she handed him her uneaten burger.

"Hey! New kid! Come here!" Principle Perry yelled marching over to their table. Aurora hid her face in her hands, because she knew this wasn't going to end well for any of them.

Chase scrambled up from his spot at the table and nervously made his way over to her. "Do you know what happens when my football players get humiliated?" Principal Perry questioned staring down Chase.

When she noticed that Chase wasn't responding she continued, "No! You don't. Because my football players don't get humiliated!"

"They look humiliated to me." Adam spoke up from his spot at the table, watching the football players get hit in the heads with a trash bag that one of the staff members were carrying.

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