"Well that damn trashbag you were saying was supposed to be our next client. And what did you do? You lashed him away!" Mrs Joo scolds furiously.

Before she could speak, her father came rushing in with seonhee. She didn't waste anytime and left, afraid to his father.

"I'll be going now mother. I'm sorry for what i did" she bows and quickly left.

"What's going on?" Mr joo asks, catching up from his wife. His wife just sighed, rubbing her temples. "Don't tell me you hit daesun?"

"Honey let's just discuss this in the morning-"

"Please grab me a pack of ice" Mr Joo halts her words and gives a request to the maid, it bowed and left to go get some.

"I don't want you hurting daesun. Neither Seonhee, got it?" He remarks sternly, glaring to the woman.


"I'm sorry about that pumpkin. I'll lecture Mr. Kang for what he did" Mr Joo comforts daesun. She remained silent and continue to smudge the ice pack on her cheek.

"It's fine. No worries. I should be the one who needs to be lectured" She says with a bitter smile, her dad just furrowed his brows in confusion.

Noticing her father staring at her suspiciously, she jolted up to her bed and said; "It's getting late. You should take a rest"

Not a single word uttered properly to her father's mouth as she drags him out of the door, and bowing at him for respect.

"But, there's this party tomor-"

"Rest well!" She shuts the door and drops the smile. Resting her head to the door.

You endured another day, good job.


The next day, daesun went to the arcade even before the said time, which is two afternoon. She was about an hour and thirty minutes early.

But to her surprise, once she arrived to the place. She saw the man leaning to the wall, playing with his phone. Wearing the same old clothes he had yesterday

Daesun tilts her head, "Is that you?" She asks.

The man looked at her and chuckled, "Hey. I doubted you would come. Early i see?"

She also chuckled as a reply as they reached to the claw machine from yesterday.

"So how do you do it so much easier? Like it's so hard!" She exclaims. Glancing to the prizes at the machine.

"You're determined" he cooed teasingly.

"It's a waste of time and tokens" she shrugs. Not to mention the waste of money-- oh wait she's rich.

After spending hours in the arcade, not only daesun got some tricks and hacks from the kind boy, they also played different kinds of games inside the arcade. She admits that it was fun, she totally enjoyed hanging out with him.

Now pockets empty, the two decided to take a rest on the benches, drinking some soda as a drink.

Then a thought pops out of daesun's head, "I never got to ask your name" she says making the guy look at her surprisingly.

It nervously gulps trying to ease the tension in his body, "Well..."

"I'll go first then" daesun says, taking off her hood. "Joo Daesun" she smiles and expanded her arm for a friendly handshake. The man didn't waste anytime and smiled also, taking off his hood.

"Park Jongseong" he grasps his hand with hers when suddenly daesun could feel the sudden electric groove in her body to her stomach.

"You're seriously pretty" She blurts out, lips apart. Jongseong just chuckled awkwardly, avoiding contact.

"I had so much fun thanks to you. I never knew you can drive through a screen" Daesun giggles, she was quite amazed and child like after trying those race car games, she even screamed when she bumped into a wall.

"I did too, thanks to you" Jongseong smiled sweetly, something about his smile makes her want to squeal. His jawline and side profile was so fine.

"You went earlier than i thought. I thought you'll be here at two like you said" Jongseong said, throws the cans of soda to the bin.

"I have nothing else to do at home. Besides messing things with my father.. while my mother and i aren't good terms..." She frowns, looking to her feet. While Seonhee, no need to mention her. That girl is invisible like air.

Jongseong's smile went upside down, "Hey, it's alright. Let it out" he comforts and was about to rub her shoulder when he remembered, they just met and she might uncomfortable by it. So being respectful, he puts his hands on his pockets.

"Nah, I shouldn't have bring that up. I'm sorry" Daesun apologize.

Jongseong cleared his throat, he felt bad for her. "I feel the same you know, i also have family problems that burden me. But i just do what i must"

They both shared a smile in exchange, i guess both of them felt the same way towards their families.

The two young adults sat comfortably with a bit of distance between them, little by little they got to know each other more.

"Yah, yah, yah. Want to know a secret?" Daesun cooed excitingly just as Jongseong nods in agreement.

She indicates him to go closer to her, he obeyed and leaned in. "My mother looks like Cinderella's step mother. What's funny is she's also my step mother!" She snickered through the whispers. Jongseong snickered with her out of laughter.

Daesun then observed his side profile -- again. Something about him was awfully familiar, is it the hairstyle? The celebrity facial features?

"Hey" Daesun called out softly, the boy glanced to her while waiting a statement.

"You look awfully familiar-"


Her phone rings and vibrates, she smiles awkwardly to Jongseong for an excuse. Answering the call, it was her father.

"Can you come home? I have somethings to discuss" Mr Joo hangs up without any other context, daesun blinks several times processing it. She sighs and looks to Jongseong.

"I got to go...."


Sus, what do you think they'll discuss about? 👀

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