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Meanwhile with Vibha

Since it was midnight, she had put her children to sleep and was waiting for Ram. Right when she almost dozed off, her phone rang

Vibha: Hello? Ram where are yo-

Surprisingly she received the response from an unknown female voice

Unkn: Excuse me, is this Ramveer Nigam's wife?

Vibha: Yes, may I know who you are and why is my husband's phone with you?

Unkn: Please calm down Mrs. Nigam. I have got to inform you about something very important and I need you to be strong for that

Vibha was now panicking and her heart was beating faster

Unkn: A few hours ago, two bodies have been found in a bungalow near Sunset beach. Unfortunately, we suspect one of them is your husband's. But since we are not sure, can you come to the location and confirm?

Before she heard further, the phone dropped from Vibha's hands. She fell down on her knees

"Hello? Mrs. Nigam, are you there?"

She took deep breaths as she felt her heartbeat slowing down. For the next few minutes, she was speechless. Then she burst into tears, still not able to believe it. Hearing his mom's cries, Abhi woke up and came out to the hall. He found his mom crying on the floor. Not able to understand anything, he ran to her and hugged her. She hugged him harder. Feeling his mom's pain, he also started crying

Abhi: Mummy!

He broke the hug and wiped her tears, though they wouldn't stop

Abhi: Mummy, why you clying? Don't cly!

Vibha cried, even more, looking at how he had no idea. Little did she have any guts to tell her child that he just lost his father. She just hugged him and cried

Back to Sonia

After receiving the call, she was informed the exact same. But she was alone at home. She cred for hours and hours. How could she inform someone? She herself couldn't believe it. She just had to bear all the pain all alone

For once she remembered, she should inform Vibha. She almost called her but then stopped halfway. She realized the person who informed her, said TWO bodies. Not a second took her to realize who the other person had to be. Aman and Ram had gone together, of course it had to be Ram

This broke her even more. She couldn't even inform Vibha. What if she still had had no idea. She just sat by herself, crying alone. After gathering a lot of courage, hours later, she called her brother, who lived back in India

Two hours later, the doorbell rang

She opened the door to find a lady cop. The same cop had informed her of the mishappening. She was told that since it was not yet confirmed if the body was of her husband, she had to come to the mortuary. She didn't have the courage but because he didn't believe, so she went along

At the mortuary. She was shocked to see Vibha. As soon as they saw each other, they understood the situation and started crying. They hugged each other. Both suffered the same loss but were the sole support to each other. When they were shown the dead bodies, it was not a big shock to realize that it was their husbands'. They just couldn't convince themselves

After staying there for hours, their family members arrived. Their siblings all the way from India, came to their aid. They had been taken back to their homes

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