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Ewan McGregor was currently starting his own PR and Press campaign for his upcoming movie Trainspotting. This unfortunately, aligned with Damon Albarn's own surprise appearance on Hans Erlich's show.

Ewan, was set to fly out to America in two days, but first he had a few appearances to make in the UK to promote the film. He was also, going to be in the company of his girlfriend, Chloe Erlich for this trip.

For while she hated America and wasn't the biggest fan of flying over there, claiming she'd already "seen it all", she was willing to go and watch Ewan talk about his work and Trainspotting.

However, the trouble with this trip had all started when Ewan had got a call from his manager, saying he'd booked another show, and he wasn't going to be able to get out of it.

As if flying between LA and NYC wasn't complicated enough. The show in question was one that made him want to scream. Hans Erlich.

That fucker.

That devilish idiot and cokehead of a brother, had actually reached out to his manager and paid him to loop Ewan into appearing on his damn show. In fact, Ewan was so tempted to hire a lawyer to get him out of it.

As he didn't want to even see Damon Albarn, nor Hans Erlich.

The two had pissed him off, as his beautiful and usually tender girlfriend had turned into a fucking lump upon the news. If he was the type to pummel someone, he would've done it to them.

"Chlo, we've got a problem." He said the minute he got off the phone, looking down to the ground, watching as she walked into the room, looking confused.

"Why? Plane get overbooked? We can just take my dad's. I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

"What? No." He groans, not wanting to even say what he'd just been told.

"Oh, then what is it? It can't be that bad." She says quietly, planting a kiss on his forehead.

"It is."

"Did someone die? What is it?" She asks, sounding concerned "Whatever it is, we can get through it. Right?" She runs a hand down his sweater and then grins

He chuckles "You're saying that now, and then when you hear it, you'll get what I mean."

"Stop dancing around it. Come on, spit it out." She teases

He sighs, finally repeating what his agent had told him.

"I'm the second guest on your cunt brother's show, along with Damon."

"What? How the fuck did that happen?" She exclaims

"My manager loves money." He says irritatedly

"What the fuck? That's insane. Oh god. Can't you get out of that?"

He shakes his head "I'd be facing a lawsuit and a fine from my manager. If not NBC. Believe me, Chlo, I don't want to do this. I don't want to give these chickens airtime, let alone hurt you."

She closes her eyes for a couple seconds before picking up a pillow and screaming into it, letting some of her steam out. "I hate these idiots, why can't they just fucking stop?"

"I have no clue. It also means we have to be in New York a day earlier."

She groans again "We? Oh god. I don't want to go to that mess. I don't want to see Hans or Damon."

"You could just stay in the hotel room, or go visit Joan, your mum said she'd be in town. Look, I promise I'll make it up to you. We can go on some long private vacation the minute we get back. Anywhere you want. Ever been to Greenland?" He starts to babble

"I don't know if I can go." Chloe says, plopping down on the bed.

"I'd be disappointed if you didn't. I'd miss you, but I'd understand if you didn't want to come. It's perfectly understandable."

She ponders it.

"Hand me the phone."

He hands it over to her and watches as she begins to dial a number on the phone, holding it up to her ear tightly. She looked like she was about to break the damn thing.

"Are you canceling your tickets?" He asks

She doesn't answer, instead standing up and beginning to pace around, holding the bulky phone.

"Albarn residence, who is this?"

"You greedy little shit." She starts off "What the fuck is wrong with you? First you pull this mess and now you've dragged Ewan into it? Where are you? I'm about to throw a god damn Molotov cocktail in your fucking window. I can't believe the nerve you actually have! I mean seriously."

"Chlo-Bird! Will I be seeing you this week?"

"Yeah, and I'm going to break your fucking nose right on that damn stage."

"You're so hostile. Forgot about that. Then again, you have been avoiding me."

"Why do you think?" She hisses "Maybe it had to do with the fact that you're slumming with Hans."

"You were ignoring me anyways. Hans is just an attention grabber." He says, sounding bored

"Just wait Damon. Maybe up your security. They're going to be lacking."

With that she hung up, tossing the phone across the bed and biting down on her cheek. Ewan pulled her into a gentle embrace, not speaking, just trying to comfort the girl in front of him.

"I take it you're coming." He finally says, running a hand through her hair.

She nods.

"Of course..I wouldn't miss seeing you for the world." Chloe murmured softly.

He smiles, pressing a kiss to her head.

They were functional. Only a few words or actions had to be done to explain their feelings. It was safe and besides, if anyone was an empath, it was Ewan, not Damon.

One paid attention to detail in order to love on someone later.

The other paid attention to mock and steal from you later.

It's easy to tell which is which.

stories from the city; damon albarnWhere stories live. Discover now