Chapter 25: It's just a cup

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Note: Some similarities will also be shown between ouat beauty and the beast and scenes with Hyde and commoner Theresa which we will find out how she turned from a princess to a commoner in the next coming chapters.


None for this chapter

Interior. In the past: Theresa was dealing with a rich man who was taking from her vendor when Jekyll came by.

"Get up you filthy little commoner!" Shouted the rich man as he threw the blonde woman to the ground.

Looking down she sniffed little commoner Theresa was her name looked at what she had "w--would this suffice?"

He kicked her hand "not enough!"

Henry Jekyll was a doctor in an asylum he saw it all and watched the man leave as she was left to sob.

"Dear lady, what happened?" He said softly kneeling down in front of her.

Not noticing who she was talking to she wiped her nose with her dirty ragged sleeve "no, no don't bother with me I am nothing, no one."

"Oh, my dear you are, h--how about you come with me to my mansion, and--and get you cleaned up." Henry offered her.

Interior. Inside Henry's house, she was getting washed up by his maids and helpers, getting out in a nice beautiful top and jeans.

After getting washed up and in some outing attire she explored the house curious as her friend Belle is, looking for the man that helped her.

"Henry? Mr. Jekyll are you here?" Theresa called out.

Instead of Dr. Jekyll, he was transformed into the most horrible beast, the one he wanted to hide. "Go--go away!" Mr. Hyde shouted.

Theresa came and saw not Dr. Jekyll but Mr. Hyde "oh dear, you're a--a..."

"A what? A monster, because that's what everyone sees me as!" Mr. Hyde yelled.

"Control your temper." Whispered poole.

He took a deep breath and exhaled calming down "if the beast himself can have a maid might as well have one myself," he muttered to himself then began talking to Theresa "you are to stay, forever do my job do you understand?" He asked in a demanding tone.

"Gentle," Poole whispered again annoying Mr. Hyde.

She was frightened and shook inside, however, as a thank you for giving her a home and helping her she might as well "Very well, I--I'll stay."

"Good," Hyde said as the young woman put her hands to her face falling to the floor being a prisoner here.

Interior. In the present: Chip turned into a boy was with Theresa watching him for Jane as they both were keeping him away from Rumple.

"So, how about some tea little chip?" Theresa smiled looking down at the boy who was sitting down.

Chip smiled and nodded "Usually I'm the one serving it," he laughed lightly "but at least I get a break, thanks to that girl for changing me back into a boy again."

"Huh..." she thought to herself aloud then directly to chip "so, you weren't always a chipped cup?" Theresa asked feeling warm-hearted having him here.

Drinking a bit from his cup he set it down nicely as she sat across from him "Nope, we were all cursed because that man killed the dark one, so for punishment we were all cursed as inanimate talking objects, like me and my mother we were turned into a pot and I was turned into a cup. But Ms. Belle accidentally dropped me and one of the sides 'chipped'"

Theresa listened hearing his story as this sounded like what she went through in her past with Hyde.

"Wanna see me do a trick?" He grins taking the cup and blowing bubbles.

Theresa giggled and smiled "How cute."

Suddenly the door slammed open as Chip went to hide knowing who it is "uh-oh."

Theresa saw rumple come in the beast he's always known and always will be "get out."

"I would Dearie but you have something of mine..."

"O--of yours?" She asked backing up to cover chips presence here "What would that be?" hoping Rumple wouldn't snoop around just to find his cup, she slowly looked behind her telling chip to go hide further behind the couch with her eyes.

"Don't play a fool with me Theresa where is he?!" Rumple began to get angrier.

"What do you want with him? Leave him alone." Theresa glared facing him.

"It's just a cup, Dearie, the thing that brought Belle and I love." He simply shrugged.

"He said you all were enchanted and cursed as objects, and you're nothing but a--a-a--"

"Beast? Well, I've had my time wasted if you know where he is... you know where to find me." Rumple said slamming the door shut.

Chip was shaken up behind the couch as Theresa came down "I'll have to turn you back little one, but you'll be able to talk." She saw him look down sadly "I'm sorry, but this is for your own protection."

Theresa waves her hand turning him into the cup that he was but talking this time just like in the movie she had to watch with Alexandra, Cinderella's daughter.

"Thanks, just put me in the cupboard I'll be fine." Chip said once held in the palm of her hand.

She smiled and picked him up going over to the cupboard where all the other cups and plates are at, keeping him safe there knowing rumple would never find him this time. With some free time, she took the opportunity to read a book, knowing her daughter Clara is with Morpheus at the moment and her husband was doing some science work not really needed much, she took a book from the library and sat down seeing that sparky had jumped on the chair as well to join her.

She petted the pooch, as he calmly lied down asleep comfortable next to her just the two of them peacefully calm for the day, making it just the two of them for the day. Theresa didn't really mind at least it give her a break from motherhood for a while continuing to pet Victor's dog.

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