Chapter 4: Their halves

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Clarence walked down the laboratory with her father grabbing the potion bottles while Jekyll grabbed the electrical stuff as he set the wand down, those two were two minds that think alike and can't go without the other, he put on the goggles and gave the signal for his daughter to lower the lever.

He put the broken wand pieces through as he backed up. "Now sweetie."

Clarence pulled the lever, a bolt of electricity went down the wand, he then nodded with a thumbs up to pull it back up. The two looked as she came by him taking off the glasses, mesmerized by it, it was truly amazing.

Except it would have worked out if Poole hadn't walked in "What are you doing here?" He asked heading the two with his daughter Tiana.

Jekyll stammered pulling Clarence behind him protectively "the w-warden wanted me to fix this. " He said holding up the wand, lying "It's a surgical instrument."

"And look Clarence I brought someone." Tiana laughed darkly showing her frog in her hand.

As she did she let out a loud shriek hiding behind her father.

"Aww daddy's little girl is scared." She taunted her.


"Bet ya are! Daddy's little girl." She continued to taunt her.

"Well if that's true, you won't mind me asking the warden himself." Poole threatened Jekyll.

"No. You can't do that." Jekyll began stepping back with Clarence clung behind him holding onto his jacket. "You know he--he doesn't like to be disturbed." Turning to run he managed to call out "Clarence run!"

"Like I said, it's time to see the warden, and the wardens apprentice," Poole said.

Clarence went from behind Jekyll to the door of the lab before it was too late that the frog stopped her, she turned around punched to the floor by Tiana while poole did the same to Jekyll holding him tight to force the serum as did Tiana to Clarence. Backing away she watched her begin to change, the horrible screams of both father and daughter, not letting them out the pain it brought the two was too much to take, as the screams continued to fill the air from them, Jekyll turned to the table with Clarence beside him dropping the bottles onto the floor breaking some on the table, in a few minutes both Hyde and Raven took their places.

"Why are we here?" He asked in his Victorian accent looking down still, bruised as it bled.

Poole looked to Tiana and then answered "sorry to disturb you the doctor was in his lab fixing a wand. I can only imagine he got from the prisoners."

Looking to them, Hyde felt blood on his hands, with Raven asking "and so you did this?"

"the doctor and his daughter were running away, w—we had no choice," Poole answered.

Getting close to Poole he began talking "but you know the rules." He had a hand on Poole's chest turning sideways until he grabbed his throat choking him.

Shrills from Tiana also showed her punishment as Raven was showing her nightmares until she dropped on her knees covering her ears.

"no one hurts doctor Jekyll," Hyde said throwing him across as Raven threw her to the wall unconscious, as Hyde turned to a photo frame of a boy and a girl with a blonde woman. He turned his attention back to Poole that sat on the floor now "Except me."

Raven turned around followed by Hyde looking all over the place as he began talking.

"oh, what a mess, the doctor hasn't been brave enough to come down here for quite some time he must think these prisoners can help him," Hyde spoke as walked to the wand, tilting his head curiously looking at it.

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