I pondered on what to do. Should I stay in the safe, warm car on solid ground or walk into the cold, flying steel deathtrap?

Yeah...the car wins.

"I'm good here, thank you." I finally bit out, still shivering from the cold wind that was only further coaxing me to stay right where I was.

Aro sighed and thunked his head against the door in exasperation and Marcus lost his pleasantness, rolling his eyes to look at the sky.

"Right, that is it." Caius's voice was a deep growl now; in a split second his form replaced Aro's at the door and he paid no mind to his brothers offended yell at being shoved, his dark expression making me crawl further into the solace of the car.

"Come here, my Nora." The way he purred my name caused goosebumps to appear on the exposed skin of my legs. Regardless of how tempting it would be to fall into his waiting arms, I ignored him and tried to escape his hands as they reached for me. Growing tired of my constant shuffling away from him and senseless protests, he puffed out an angry breath.

I knew I was being an annoying bitch, but I didn't really care. Caius was dramatic, well more like overdramatic, all the time; this was simply him getting a taste of his own medicine and to be honest? I was secretly loving how pissed off he was getting. To make things worse, I decided to be snide too, just to see what he'd do. "Listen here, snowflake. If you think I'm getting on that plane then you—Caius! What the hell are you doing?!"

I released a strangled gasp as I was pulled across the seats. Oh my–he was literally dragging me by my ankles back to him!

Undeterred by my flailing arms and loud screeching he lifted me like I weighed nothing, one arm under my knees and the other behind my shoulders. When my squirming did nothing to make him actually put me down I gave up, wrapping my arms begrudgingly around his neck, trying to ignore his triumphant little grin. "Comfortable, mio piccolo piantagrane?"

He just had to tease me, didn't he?

"Fuck off." I hissed, tightening my grip painfully around his neck as we approached the giant metal death machine, my grip doing nothing to actually hurt him. All my bitterness disappeared as we neared the steps that lead inside, the color draining from my already pale skin."Oh no...oh shit." Hearing the genuine fear in my voice his grin fell, the hand on my leg squeezing it comfortingly.

"It will be fine, amore. You'll see." I nodded dumbly, too preoccupied imagining the fiery death that awaited me once we boarded. What was worse was that they'd be fine, I mean they were fucking indestructible for god's sake, they literally had nothing to worry about. The same could not be said for me if something happened.

This is really not good. What if there's a problem with the wing like in Final Destination? Oh god, I don't want to die like that–that Alex kid literally got his face melted off. Or, what if I survive but then they have to turn me into a vampire or something because of my injuries? No no no no no. Forget it. Maybe I could pull a Phoebe, say there's something wrong with the left phalange? It's not like they'd know if that was real or not. We'll just have to find some other way to–

"Darling?" I blinked, my heart jumping into my throat when I realised we were now inside. Oh hell no.

Gasping, I locked eyes with Aro, noticing his hand on my arm under my sweater and the twitch of his lips as he tried in vain not to smile. Great. So he'd just heard all of that nonsensical babble.

He tapped Caius on the arm, nodding his head to the ground as if he were indicating for him to put me down. Sure enough Caius slowly, much slower than he needed to, lowered me to my feet. He pressed a supporting hand against my lower back when I tried to move backwards and I noticed dejectedly that Marcus was blocking the exit.

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 [𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒊 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя