Wake Me Up

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Eliza spent the next few days looking for a way to save her mentors from dying. So far, no luck. She has looked in three of the five grimoires. The other two are locked by a binding spell. She has tried just about everything to get it off. Golden's days are pretty numbered. Eliza has had training everyday. She hasn't had a moment to get to sit down and meet Edward yet. As of right now, he can wait. She was much bigger things to fix. Since she has forgiven her sister, she has started to hang out with her and the Cullens everyday at school. Anytime Eliza gets to see Golden she waits til she falls asleep before she takes on more pain from her fallen friend. Eliza just wants to save her friends, she doesn't want them to leave. To die. So now she's locking herself up in her room until she can come up with a different solution. So far she has skipped five days of school, she's been faking fevers and begging her dad to let her stay home. Bella brings home her homework and turns it in for her the next day. The system is working perfectly. Well it was, that was until Charlie called in Carlisle to check on his sick daughter. After finding nothing wrong physically wrong with her that he would tell Charlie about, she was forced to go back to school. Eliza was sitting at her desk looking through her grimoires and taking notes, when she heard something hit her window. Thinking it was just the wind, she continued on with her work. She flicked her wrist and turned her music up louder. She then flicked her wrist towards the door and locked the door. She then walked from her desk to her closet to look through some items her mentors left for her to research about. She was forced to stop what she was doing once again when something hit her window. She flicked her wrist towards her bed and her dagger came flying into her hand. She walked towards her window slowly, not knowing what was waiting her on the other side. She finally gathered up the remaining courage she had and looked down below. Her eyes couldn't believe the sight in front of her. It was Edward. She opened her window letting him come in. Probably not the smartest decision.

"I wanted to actually introduce myself. It seems we never really had the chance to do so."Edward explained as Eliza took a seat on her bed. She motioned for him to pull up a chair. While he had his back turned, she waved her hand and made all of her research disappear. 'Invisique' she said in her head. When he turned back around the papers that filled her desk were gone with a blink of an eye.

"What would you like to know, Mr.Cullen?" Eliza asked as she crossed her legs on her bed. Edward sent her a small smile.

"Goals? Middle name? Favorite color? Whatever you want to tell me." Edward said to Eliza. She sat there and thought about what he said.

"Jade, green,grey, blue, amber-orange, I like all types of music. But it depends on my mood. I love all types of pastas, but I absolutely hate seafood. It's too fishy. My favorite season is fall, I love the way the leaves change colors. But since I have moved here, I have found myself falling in love with the rain. I used to love the world around me, that was until everything slipped away from me. Including myself. I'm trying to find a way to save my mentors from dying. While trying to keep my danger attracting sister out of trouble. I haven't bothered looking for colleges yet, due to I might not make it till then at the way things are going. I ramble when I am nervous. I hate being in complete darkness, I am not scared of it. I am scared of the things I can't see in it. I am exhausted. Wow that was a lot to take in, I am so sorry. I did not mean to spill all of that on you." Eliza quickly apologized. Edward took in every word that came out of her mouth. He noticed the sad look in her eyes that appeared when she spoke of her dying mentors. He also noticed the way her hands were shaking.

"Why are you apologizing? You are completely fine. Your middle name is Jade? Why Jade? It's a beautiful name, I was just wondering how you got it." Edward changed the subject to stop her from panicking.

"My dad likes to tell a story about how him and my mom couldn't agree on a middle name to save their life. He said that when they signed my birth certificate they left it blank to come back to later on. When my eye color had fully developed, and my dad took a look at what color they were. He said he knew instantly what to name me. Elizabeth Jade Swan. It fit me. The name and the color. Green became one of my favorite colors growing up. I was an outside type of kid. I loved to be outside, I loved to play in the dirt. Bella on the other hand did not. She hated being outside. Jake used to help me build mud pies with Leah. Bella would supervise and watch from afar. We would always end the day by chasing her with worms. It was Jakes favorite thing to do. He had and still probably has a little crush on her. It was the cutest thing. Paul, Jake, Leah, and myself would always hang out when Bella stayed with our mom. We were the four musketeers. Then came little Seth. Then my mom wouldn't let us come back. She sent us away when she got tired of looking at us. It was always about her or Phil. I finally had the courage to ask her why she wouldn't just let us go live here if she was that miserable that we were there. That broke into a four day argument, a broken door, and a two month of grounding. But it was worth it. She sent me away first, then Bella soon after. I know she loves us, and we love her. It's just that shes more of a friend and a sister than a parent.Anyways, enough about me. Tell me about you?" Eliza asked Edward.

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