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"So, are you excited to go see Bella?" Renee asked her daughter.

"Yes, I just wish she was happier to see me." Elizabeth said to her mom.

"She is excited to see you, its just that breakup was very hard for her. Oh honey, you don't understand yet. How painful breakups can be. Hell, even divorce. Maybe you will understand when you get older." Renee said looking at her daughter through the rear view mirror of the car.

"I just wish I could have went with her when she left. I just want my sister back. It feels like its been years." Elizabeth said looking down at her phone. Renee gives her daughter one last look before giving Phil a pleading glance. As they kept on driving to their destination, a bad feeling erupted into Elizabeth's stomach. The same bad feeling that has been haunting her for months. No matter what she did to get rid of it, nothing ever helped. After telling her mother about it, her mother insisted on sending her to a treatment facility for further investigation. After spending six months in a hell hole, that only fueled her nightmares and the haunting ache that burned within her.So they prescribed her pills, that would never see the light of the living. She kept a container for them hidden from her mother. Hidden from the world. Hidden from herself. She didn't trust the pills, just like she didn't trust her mother. Her mother was a great person and friend, just not a great parent. Unlike their dad. He was the kindest man you would ever meet. Elizabeth used to go visit him every chance she got. She wanted to stay with him, unlike her sister. Her mother of course refused, and not for a justified reason. More of a selfish reason than anything. Her mother manipulated her father into letting her take the two sisters,saying she didn't want to be alone. Renee always favored Bella over Elizabeth. Not that she minded, that just meant more time for herself. The divorce destroyed Elizabeth, she just wanted her family to be happy. She used to try to 'parent trap' her parents so they would stay together. Never really worked, she stopped when she realized they had grown apart for far too long. She accepted their fate, but decided she wouldn't take the same path.While her mother and sister would run for the hills the chance they got. Her and her father would rather work through the situation. Don't get her wrong, she loves her family. She just wished they loved each other. Growing up with her mom constantly bashing her father, set wrong examples for herself and Bella. Now she has the chance to go live with her sister and father. Away from her mom and Phil. Away from baseball. Away from feeling contained. If only the dreadful feeling would disappear.

"We're here, Eliza. Grab your stuff sweetie." Renee said to her daughter. As Eliza came back to the world, away from her thoughts and fake slumber. She grabbed her backpack from beside her and got out of the vehicle, ready to get to her sister and father. Her father's police cruiser pulled into the scene. He stepped out of the vehicle waiting to be reunited with his daughter. After grabbing all of her luggage, she moved to place them into the truck of the cruiser. She then was pulled into a much needed hug from her father.
"You ready?" Her father asked her. Eliza turned back to face her mother to see her smiling at something Phil whispered into her ear. She smiled at her mother and Phil one last time before moving to get into the cruiser.

"Bye mom, bye Phil."Eliza said to them before buckling herself into the car waiting for her dad to get into the car. She watched him exchange some words with her mother, she already knew where this conversation was going. She watched her mother roll her eyes and walk back to their vehicle with Phil. Never looking back at her daughter. Not even thinking twice about giving her up. But of course she has other things to worry about. Elizabeth shakes the negative thoughts away, only focusing on the positive thoughts.
"I should probably warn you about your sister, she is very shut off from the world right now. She doesn't really talk that much anymore, she's trying to get better. She has really bad nightmares that work like clockwork. So don't panic when you hear the screaming. She tries to keep to herself mostly. I have tried just about anything and everything to help her. I thought about sending her to your mother. I thought maybe she would have a better idea on how to help her. She didn't like the idea too much, said that wasn't good for her. She had some business to attend to. Sorry I am kinda throwing this all on you at once." Charlie said to his daughter. She looked at him the whole time he spoke, she was quick to pick up on the tiredness that was hidden in his eyes. The way he talked about her sister, not being able to help her. You could practically see the hurt in his whole demeanor. He felt useless, what kind of father couldn't help his own daughter. Her heart went out to her father for having to deal with this alone. And her heart went out to her sister to being this hurt. She knew deep down this wasn't her fault, her sister was never one to be in the spotlight. She was just too hurt beyond repair to come back to the world around her. She hoped coming here would be a great thing for her sister and possibly her self. She felt drawn here, even with the dreadful feeling. She knew this is where she needed to be.

"It's gonna be okay dad, I am here now so I can help out. I am sure Bells will be happy to see me. Maybe, I could cure her sadness. It's gonna be okay." Elizabeth said confidently to her dad. She knew that under that dreadful feeling she knew she was right. After pulling up to the house, she is met with an orange truck. Must be Bella's. She unbuckled her seatbelt and got out to help with her luggage. Before she could walk up the steps she was pulled into an immediate embrace. She already knew who was holding her like their life depended on. Her sister. Elizabeth let the tears fall from her tired eyes, as she pulled her broken  sister into her small arms. They stood there and held each other for what seemed like years, before breaking away with sad smiles on their faces. Bella looked very pale and sick. She looked as though she hasn't seen the sun in years. As Bella took a good look at her younger sister, she took a deep breath. Her sister has grown up without her. She looks breathtaking. Bella feels a sense of proudness form within her. Last time Bella saw her sister, she was being signed into that facility. She looked so broken and betrayed. Bells protested the thought of sending her sister away. But of course her mother has the last word. Then later sent Bella to live with their father. She thought she was doing what was best for her children. If only she could see past the perfect picture fantasy that she has built for her family. She would notice how torn apart her children are. Bella looked at her dad for the first time in a long time. Finally noticing the damage she has done over the past few months. Her heart fills with dread and pain. She feels so bad for putting her father through all of the pain that the Cullen's had put her through. He doesn't deserve that. Just like she didn't deserve being left by the Cullen's and Liam.Just like her sister didn't deserve being left, and betrayed. She wasn't crazy, she was hurt. she was in an never ending battle with herself. And no one noticed. Until now. Bella saw through her sister. She could practically feel the pain wash over her as she held onto her little sister. She could practically feel the pain enter her veins. She pulled Elizabeth closer to her as if she was shielding her from a blazing fire. Taking the heat and pain from her sister. She vowed to herself that she would be better. She would protect her sister with her life. She would protect her until her last dying breath. She would shield her from all of the blazing fires in the world. From the darkest places on the earth. From the evilest people around the world.If only Bella could protect Elizabeth from herself. But of course that was something no one ever saw coming. The Selfish protecting the Selfless. Wonder who fails first.

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