All I Want

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It must have been around one in the afternoon when Eliza had finally got up. She stayed up all night studying her grimoires. She read all about different kinds of magic. It was all new to her. But from what she could gather there were different types of witches and warlocks, even magic. She found it quite intriguing. Growing up, she had only heard about it in fairytale books and movies. She always wondered what it would be like to have magic. Who would have thought that after all of these years, she finally has magic and doesn't even know how to do it. Well at least not yet. Eliza kept thinking back to her sister's apology, you could hear the sincerity on her voice. She just hoped her sisters actions matched up to the words she spoke. Bella told her that she would be better. Let's just hope she holds up the promise. Wondering if she should forgive her sister, she loved her sister very dearly. She just hated when her sister would take advantage of that and make it her own. She just wanted her sister to be there for her for once in her life. Eliza was always there for her sister, well at least she tried to. While Bella on the other hand, wasn't sure exactly how to help her sister. Elizabeth's thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of her door slamming open by her sister.

"I know you are still mad at me, and I completely understand. I know there's really nothing I could say or do to make it better. I was just wondering if maybe you would like to hang out today. Maybe a sister bonding day could help us? We could go prepare a picnic and go to the cliffs and listen to the sound of the waves? Or go swimming at the beach? It might be a little cold." Bella said to her sister with a hope in her eyes. All Bella wanted was her sister back. Eliza could see how her sister was trying to make things better. Maybe she should give her another chance? Eliza had made up her mind. She would go with her sister, but she isn't fully forgiven just yet.

"I will go with you, but on one condition. You can't bring up Liam or the Cullens. And Jake. Today is just about us. This will be the best Sister bonding day ever." Eliza said to her sister. Bella gave her a bright smile. Bella left to go get ready. Elizabeth quickly put an outfit together, so she could scan the grimoires one last time before she leaves. There were a few spells that she already has memorized. Just in case they run into trouble. She then met her sister downstairs to help gather snacks and such for the picnic. She grabbed the basket out if the upstairs closet, and a couple of blankets and towels. She already packed a few pieces of extra clothing just in case they wanted to get into the water.She made sure to pack the pocket warmers as well. Bella was always known to get very cold. Bella just finished making the sandwiches and such. She was placing them in the basket when Eliza ran back down the stairs. Eliza threw the keys at her sister after she put on her jacket. They were then off to go have a sisters day. Their dad had left them a note on the fridge saying he would be home late tonight and that there was money on the counter for pizza. The drive to the beach was filled with the voices of the two sisters. They were blasting music along the way. They had finally arrived to their destination shortly after their little karaoke session. They set everything up for the picnic. It was quite peaceful actually having a calm moment with her sister. No fighting, no talk about Liam, the Cullens, or Jake. No magic problems, just peace. Just the two of them having fun. They talked about anything and everything they wanted to. Avoiding certain topics of course. They laughed, and joked. Everything was going great until Bella started acting off. She kept spacing out.

"Bells... Bella...Isabella." Eliza kept calling her sister's name hoping to figure out what was going on in her sisters mind. The peaceful vibe around them disappeared in an instant when one name left her sister's lips.

"Liam? Liam is that really you?" Bella called out to the cliff. Bella stood up quickly not wanting her love to disappear. She starting walking towards the cliff. Eliza stood alarmed at her sisters odd behavior. She grew frightened when her sister kept inching towards the cliff. The bad feeling making an appearance in an instant. Eliza kept trying to get Bella away from the cliff.

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