Remind Me To Forget

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Yesterday was the funeral. Bella had surprisingly made it back in time to watch them bury Harry. Eliza still has not spoken a word to her sister. Instead, she is always at one to two places. Either with her friends, or hiding out in her room. She pretty much avoided her sister and her stupid vampire boyfriend like the plague. Bella tried to talk to her, but Eliza always ignored her. The Cullens have officially moved back. So there's that. Eliza hated going to Forks high school, she had to watch her sister avoid the people she once called her friends while the Cullens were on their hiatus. She ditched them the minute the Cullens were mentioned. Just like herself. Tossed aside. Oh how, Eliza wanted to scream at the top of her lungs at her sister. She was angry and so sad that her sister just tossed her aside for a guy who hurt her. Eliza never quite understood relationships, and that stupid word love. Sure, she had her parents and used to have her sister. She knew what that love was. She knows that she's loved by her family and friends. She's just never had the love. And that's fine for now. She just wondered if there was someone who would ever look at her the way Seth looks at food. Or the way Sam looks at Emily. For once in her life, she just wanted someone to look at her like that. She thought about her powers, the Trinity, Flora, and Harry a lot. So much has happened since she has returned back home. She misses Harry so much that it hurts. She knows her family does too. She thinks of Flora from time to time. Wonders if she's safe. Wonders if she will ever see her again. When she met Flora, she felt this feeling that she needed to protect her. Instead Flora did that. She saved Eliza and for that she will be forever grateful for her new found friend. "Dream a little dream of me" Was one of the last things Flora told her. She could have sworn she read about it somewhere. She would look once she had gotten home. Spending too much time in her thoughts seemed to catch up with her. She accidentally bumped into what felt like a huge wall.

"What the hell?" Eliza spoke her thoughts whilst picking up her books. A cold hand handed her one of her fallen books.When she looked up at the wall, she realized it wasn't a wall at all. But a guy. Not just any guy. A Cullen. She gently took her book away from the guy before heading to her next class. Or at least trying to. The guy blocked her path before she could leave.

"Not even a "thank you" or "I'm sorry"?" The guy said. Eliza looked him up and down, he gave her a cocky smile. She thought to her self for a minute before she let him have it.

"Oh, I'm sorry that you couldn't watch where you were going. You know for a vampire, you sure have terrible senses. I mean, I am pretty sure You would know that you were doing. I have had a lot going on recently, you know with my sister leaving me for you, my uncle dying, the list goes on. Now if you will excuse me I am now late for class, because someone thought they were really doing something and wanted to be arrogant." Elizabeth said before turning on her heal and leaving the guy standing there with a small smile.

"The name is Liam if you were wondering." The idiot said. Elizabeth flipped him the bird before continuing on with her day. Of course she would bump into her sister's idiotic boyfriend. Eliza had finally arrived to her art class. She was just happy to finally to be back in the art room. She had art this hour and then a free period next hour. She usually spends her free periods in either the art room or the library. She like the quiet. She liked the peace that art brought with it. She had a real talent for drawing and painting. She always loved drawing. She used to draw this huge tree when she was younger, it was surround by huge beautiful rooted branches. It had a big open center. She used to dream about going there one day. She yet again got lost in the chaotic mess that is her mind. She wasn't even thinking about what she was drawing, she just let her mind and hands take over. By the time the bell had rang signaling her free period, it managed to knock her out of her trance. She took a look at what she drew, and she couldn't believe her eyes. She drew the most beautiful eyes she has ever seen. She has never seen something so beautiful in her life. She turned to the next page, and started to sketch an idea for her art project. She drifted yet once again in her thoughts. She managed to bring her attention back to the present. She looked down at the sketch and was met with a beautiful man. She had never seen anything quite as beautiful as him in her life. His eyes caught her attention, they matched with the Cullens eyes. Golden eyes, enchantingly beautiful, must be a Cullen. She was really hoping he wasn't. Shaking her self out of her thoughts, she grew irritated with herself. Why would she draw him out of all people? None of this makes any sense. She decided she was actually going to attend lunch today. As she made her way through the endless hallways to the jungle that was the cafeteria. She noticed her peers whispering to each other and looking her way. She decided to ignore them, well at least for now. She finally made it into the cafeteria, she kept her head up and eyes forward. Completely avoiding any possible contact with her sister. She got her food and tried to make a beeline for the door. Keyword tried. Something or someone was blocking her way. A flash of red hair is what caught her attention. Her head snapped up so fast, she was sure she gave herself whiplash. Turns out it was just a girl from her French class. She felt like she was hallucinating a lot lately.Bella and the Cullens watched her in confusion. They weren't sure if she was excited or scared. She was worried about her sister. Bella knows that she messed everything up, to the point that her sister wont even talk to her. Hell, she won't even look at Bella. But Bella knows that she is to blame for that. She has accepted that she messed up. Now how she's going to fix that, she's unsure of. What she does know is that she wants her sister back. She misses hearing her laugh at some dad joke her dad told. Or she wants to yell at her sister for taking so long in the bathroom. To be completely honest, she just missed her sister. According to Alice, one of the Cullen siblings is coming to live with them. He was living with their cousins for a while before Carlisle sent for him to come home. Apparently things are changing. Bella is wanting to be changed after graduation, she still hasn't talked to her sister about it just yet, nor the rest of the Cullens. Now she is starting to see what her sister was talking about when she mentioned that when it comes to Liam, everything around him Blurs and he's is the only thing that she sees. She's wishes she could have both. Her boyfriend and the life she wants, with her family still in it. She remembers the phrase that good things come to those who wait. But Bella it's not a very patient person. Never was, and will probably never be. She just wants her sister back. Bella made a move to talk to her sister before she left the cafeteria, but Liam was already thinking ahead of her. He gently grabbed his mate's hand and gave her a small sad smile. He was afraid of Eliza making a scene in front of everyone.

Levitating (New Moon)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora