Set Fire To The Rain

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After putting together her room, Elizabeth needed a minute to herself. Maybe a nice bath would help her.

"Bells, I am going to take a bath. Try not to get into too much trouble while I'm gone." Elizabeth called to her sister, not wanting to hear a sarcastic response. She reaches for her iPod and plays her relaxing playlist then starts her bath. Lighting a few little candles here and there, picking the right bath bomb, body scrub,etc. She then gets into her bath. 'Finally a minute to myself', Elizabeth thinks to herself. She starts to put her hair mask into her hair before moving on to the body scrub. Then she applies her face-mask. Elizabeth seems to then loose track of time, she seems to drift off into her own little world. Completely unaware of the real one. She fails to hear her sister shouting at her best friend. She fails to hear her dads cruiser pull up. All she feels is complete silence and peace. For the first time in years she feels at peace. But of course every great thing always comes crashing down. After hearing a crash downstairs, Elizabeth jumps with a start. Accidentally knocking over a candle in the process. As she reached to grab the candle to try and stop it from starting a potential fire. It was as if time slowed. No, more like time stopped. She quickly snatched up the now safe candle. She couldn't help but stare at the candle. How did the candle just do that? Did she just do that? A million thoughts and possibilities raced around her now curious mind, like a continuous loop. She then blew out every candle, got dressed, and cleaned her mess. So much for peace and quiet. She walks back into her room, and plops on her bed. She gets once again lost in her thoughts. Hoping to find an answer within that mind of hers. Logic or fiction, she wasn't sure which one she was hoping for. She was trying very hard to find a logic reasoning for this scenario. But every time she would look, she would always come up empty handed. Figuring she was just exhausted after her first week back in Forks. She decides to try to ignore the feeling creeping up on her, and try's to get some sleep.

Key word; try's She must have been asleep for about forty-five minutes before her sister busts into her room. Scaring the absolute hell out of her.

"Liz, put some shoes on and grab your coat. We have got to go." Bella said to her sister in a hurry. Quickly turing on every light inside of the room, probably hoping it would help wake her sister. Bella grabs a pair of sweatpants and sweater for her sister, then moves to her shelf and grabs her beanie and boots. She then tosses them at her sister and quickly leaves the room. But not before telling her to hurry. Elizabeth rubs her very tired eyes, very confused at her sister's actions and words.

"Bells, slow down. What's going on?" Elizabeth tries to ask her sister, who obviously is in a hurry and apparently has no time to stop and fill her sister in on the dilemma. Bella doesn't answer her, instead she puts her own coat on and grabs her truck keys. Already knowing or at least hoping her sister would follow her. Elizabeth lets out a frustrated sigh before she follows her danger attracting sister, contemplating her life decisions or therefore lack of. She gets into the truck and puts on a pout.

"Are you going to tell me why exactly we are leaving the house in the middle of the night? Or are you just going to ignore me and drag me into whatever you got going on?" Elizabeth sassily asks her sister. Absolutely fed up with her sister's actions. After the past week of catching up with her sister and dad, she has noticed how drastic her sister's behavior is. It's like she is purposely looking for danger to keep herself busy. Like she doesn't care how dangerous the situation she gets her self into.She doesn't care about the outcome. Bella seemed to ignore all of her sister's questions, instead she kept her eyes on the road. The tension was very thick in the orange truck.

"I can't loose anyone else, I need to help Jake. Why can't you just trust me?" Bella asked her sister. If Elizabeth wasn't fuming before, she definitely is now. Trust her? She has always trusted her sister, when did Bella start to think her sister didn't trust her? A million questions ran through her mind, most would never be answered. She never had the chance to ask her sister, for they has just arrived at the Rez. Bella parks the old beat up orange truck,before she springs from place and out of the truck. Bella hears a branch snap in the distance. Sam, and his cult are coming out of the tree-line. Elizabeth watches from a distance as the five guys merge from the tree line, towards her sister. She stays in her place as if she is frozen in time. She watches as one of the guys yells out to Jake. She can't quite make out what was said, but she could pretty much see where the situation was escalating.

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