When the screen had reached full size, prior on her clicking on it further, Kick was finally able to read the title of video, as it had increased to the point where she could read it.


"Acacia! This is only focusing on one of them! How will I know what they all look like if I don't see them all?!"

The girl stuck her tongue like a four year-old in immediate response, before adding, "Boohoo, the thumbnail for this one was greatly chosen. Excellent marketing strategies."

The answer worked for Kick because, well, she agreed.

So they watched the video once, not paying attention to the dance moves but rather to the members and their outfits. It was only the second time watching it that she managed to focus (a tiny bit) on the dance moves. That was when she realised this gig in Korea was going to be much harder than she had expected.

"Do you really think I can learn this?"

"Hell no. You'd look like a rag doll trying to do the 'did you see my bag?' bit." Acacia started to mimic the movement that the guy in the video in made, however since it was done sitting down, she looked like a fish trying to wiggle out of a net.

"I don't think I'll look worse than what you looked like just then." Kick put down her pizza crust, establishing that she had finished her meal.

She swatted in her arm in offence and whined: "Hey!" Her pout made it all the more effective in trying to make her feel apologetic over her actions. However, due to their history, it did very little.

"Sorry!" The apology was followed by giggling to assure her that it was not sincere.

"No, you're not. Just put the video on again." Sucking on her beer's straw, she longingly stared at the thumbnail that had shown up again as she waited for Kick to do what she desired in reparation for her words. It was silent for five seconds before she asked, "Think you could set me up with the one with the chain and blue flowers on his blazer's lapels?"

"Which one's that one?" She mumbled distractedly; her eyes glued to the screen like something terrible would happen if she removed them.

Acacia pulled out her phone from her jogging bottom's pocket and searched the names of the members in BTS. It took her very little time to examine each member before she was tapping her friend's arm frantically, saying, "RM! RM! RM!" Then she shoved her phone in her best friend's face.

Kick blinked her eyes rapidly to adjust to the screen that had just been thrusted in front of her. Cautiously, she pulled the phone further away from her face in order to see Namjoon's picture better. After observing it, she hummed and smiled pitifully at her. "I'll see what I can do. But that's enough drinking for tonight."

"Will Kitkat get me a hot boyfriend?" She murmured adorably while her eyelids fluttered shut. Before she could slam down on the sofa, Kick grabbed her friend's head and lowered her gently down into a sleeping position.

"Kitkat will think about letting you meet that hot, possible boyfriend."


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"Pay attention!" Hobi whined before looking back to the wall-length mirror in front of the seven. They had been in the practice room for just under two hours yet most of the group had started to lose interest after the first.

Surprisingly, it was Namjoon who had suggested that they go to a practice room and come up with some moves that may go with any of the beats that they had already made in the past for this collaboration. Taehyung chose a melody that he thought would work for the verse of their song.

None of them really considered that Kick may come with her own ideas.

To be fair to them, still, none of them knew what to expect. Although they had already made one collaboration with a female foreigner, they weren't used to it yet. Jimin wasn't sure that he ever would be but nonetheless willing to give his all for their fans.

"Let's listen to it once more and see if any more ideas come to mind." Not including Yoongi and Jin who were sitting on the floor prior Jimin's scolding, the rest of the members joined them.

They all sat in silence as they listened to the chords for a chorus demo that Yoongi had created four years ago, during the Love Yourself era. The most part the members stated at floor or ceiling whilst digging deep for any ideas for what they could do. However, Taehyung's head shot up from the direction that pointed it down to his hand with an spark of inspiration.

All of them watched him bolt up and slide to an area where all of them would be able to see him. He counted himself, to make sure he was dancing to the beat, before he began. It didn't take any member more that two seconds before they realised that he was dancing the chorus of Fake Love to the demo track.

"Just call my name..." he sang and moved his hand in a heart shape over his chest. He continued the choreography until the demo track stopped. "It reminded me of Fake Love. I think a merge of the type of dance we did then and whatever her lyrics are will work."

Hoseok nodded, left the room to call the choreographer and  they all knew that the decision had been made.

"I'll make the ramyun." Jin volunteered to fill the silence created, which received a curt smile with Jimin. Taehyung was still standing up by the time that Jin left the room.

Namjoon looked up to him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Shaking his head, Taehyung lowered back down to cross his legs on the floor and turned on his phone.

Hoseok returned into the room, slipping his phone into his trouser pocket. "We'll start on Wednesday." Whilst he walked to grab a cup of water, he missed Namjoon's tense reaction to the news. As the leader, he had tried to plan out everything in his head and the only reason it was going downhill was because of other people.

"She'll be here then." He reminded in a harsh tone.

"She's got a late flight. We'll most likely be meeting her the next day." Jungkook's intervention was gentle juxtaposition to the words prior to him. A part of him still refused to reflect that negative emotions they all felt towards having to do a collaboration.

"Is she bringing a translator or will we?" Jimin asked, having not said a word for the past hour of practice. It was unlike him not to say much but due to circumstances, all of the members were being very quiet, even to each other.

"We are."

Hello! My name is Jungkook

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Hello! My name is Jungkook.
I am excited to work with you :)

me too! i love your music

Thank you. We all love yours too.

i have a few ideas for lyrics,
do you want me to send them
over or wait??

I have ideas too. We can talk about
the ideas?


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