Bunny continued, "each time you remember something, you're subconsciously trying to force more out and its taking a toll on you. If you were a normal human, we wouldn't be so worried. But you have over 300 years of memories trying to front all at once." The rabbit explained.

Jack looked at him curiously but also warily. "We just want you to take it easy, and Tooth emphasized that you relax. And from now on, we can't give you so many details on things. Does any of this make sense?" He earned a small nod in response.

Bunny nodded and sighed, "I understand you have a job to do and its very important, but you need to be extra careful. If you need to, hunker down at Jamie's to rest." He informed. He and North already told Jamie the situation and in turn, he told his friends so that they were prepared.

Jack nodded to Bunny's instructions and smiled slightly at his concern for Jack's wellbeing. Jack took this moment to close his eyes, concentrating very hard and made a boomerang out of never melting ice. There were intricate swirls, flowers and decorated easter eggs etched into it.

Bunny's eyes widened slightly as Jack created this for him. Jack smiled knowingly at the Pooka as he handed the gift over as if to say 'here's your real gift', referencing their conversation when Bunny made tea and Jack watched.

Bunny smiled and took it happily. "It's beautiful, thank you." He thanked with a soft tone. After a curt nod, Jack stood once again, picked up his staff, and waved to the Pooka. He opened the window and out he went, deciding to hit Burgess last.

Even though there weren't many places to bring snow, it still took a while since he was pretty tired. Halfway to Burgess he landed to take a breath in a heavily wooded area. He had noticed that when he left his headache had dulled significantly, but now it was returning.

'Just one more place to go. You've got this. Its only a little bit of snow anyway.' Jack thought to himself, taking flight once more and making his way back to his hometown. He landed in an empty park about half a mile from Jamie's house.

Holding his staff out in front of him, he closed his eyes. The staff glowed a bright blue and clouds began to gather steadily, his job being done. It may not have looked like much, but he had to mentally design individual snowflakes and calculate how much needed to fall and when.

Huffing out a sigh of relief, he plopped his rear onto a nearby bench. He sat and rubbed his temple with one hand and held his staff with the other. "Jack?" Came a familiar voice.

Lifting his head to see whoever was talking to him, Pippa was walking up to him. "What are you doing out here? Bunny said you were taking a break at the workshop." She asked while tilting her head.

The spirit pointed at the sky, at the dark grey clouds that formed overhead. "Oh, I see. Well, you look like you could use a comfy couch to sit on instead of a hard bench. I'm headed to Jamie's right now, wanna come?" She asked offering her friend a hand.

He shrugged and took it, allowing her to pull him up. They made their way to their friend's house together in comfortable silence. She knocked twice on the door and opened it, walking inside as Jack followed behind her, shutting the door behind him.

"Hey, I picked up a stray." She chuckled as the friend group smiled happily at Jack, "Hey!" They greeted. "Good to see you, Jack!" Jamie chimed happily as they just lounged around. Montey and one of the twins were playing a video game in front of the TV, the other twin sitting nearby while watching them.

Cupcake was playing on a handgeld console while Jamie had his nose in a mythical creatures book that had Bigfoot on the front. "Really, Jamie? Again with the Bigfoot stuff?" Pippa rolled her eyes at her friend, Jamie laughing at her.

"He's real!" He retorted. Jack was about to try and inquire about what a Bigfoot was, but his vision began to blur. He knew what was coming and sat down in the nearest chair quickly.

"Really? You're into all that stuff? Come on!" One of the twins shouted at Jamie who was rambling on about Bigfoot sightings. "Of course! He's real guys, he's out there somewhere!" Jamie replied back but earned a chuckle in return.

"Uh huh, and so is the Easter Bunny!" They replied sarcastically. "He's real!" Jamie argued. They were in the boy's backyard and Jack was walking along the top of the fence with his arms hung over his staff. "Oh he's real alright! Real annoying, real grumpy, and reeaalllyy full of himself!" Jack commented, though he was unheard.

After more arguing between the boys, Jamie's mother came out. "Better bundle up! You don't want Jack Frost nipping at your nose!"

The memory faded out at that. Jack blinked, his eyebrows knitting together as his headache pounded against his skull. "Are you okay?" Jamie asked in a hushed voice. Jack hadn't sat down discretely so he gained attention, but no one made it blatantly obvious.

They side eyed him out of worry, but that was it. Jack rubbed his temples with a small nod at the teen. Only him and Pippa were obviously looking at him. Jamie felt bad for his best friend, he wanted to help and make whatever pain he was in go away.

Jack held up 2 fingers and pointed at his head, telling Jamie that this was the second memory in the same day. "Two memories in one day?" He repeated, earning a nod. "Are you okay?" The teen asked a bit more worriedly.

Jack looked at him, slightly sarcastically. He sighed and shrugged. His head was hurting pretty badly now. He mouthed the words 'not really' while laying his head back, still rubbing his temples. He didn't have the willpower to lie.

"Why don't you go take a nap? Maybe that'll help?" Pippa suggested. Jack weighed the idea only for a moment before standing up and flopping onto the unoccupied sofa, facing the back of it. With a deep sigh, he allowed sleep to take him.

Jamie sighed solemnly at his dear friend, watching as his shoulders rose and fell with deep even breaths. "I almost don't want him to get his memories back, it hurts him." Cupcake spoke quietly.

All of them hummed in some form of agreement, but there was nothing they could do. At least they were there for him, so he wasn't alone.


Hey Snowflakes,

I managed to push something out. There's not much for me to say but yeah. Bunny cares for Jack and luckily Jack didn't hear the part where Jamie asked who Jack Frost was. That would have stung a bit. Hope you enjoyed

*Jack Frost*

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