🏵️Chapter 36🏵️: A decision to forgive.

Start from the beginning

  "How are you feeling now, Nora?" I heard Nanny ask as her hand patted my wet hair gently.

"I just lost my grandpa and my unborn child, how do you think I'll feel?" I asked her, trying hard to remain calm.

"My child, I understand how terrible you feel right now. I understand how much you blame yourself for not being the best granddaughter or the best mother to be, but those things happen. They happen and when they do they make us feel like we're terrible and those people left because they couldn't bear with us anymore" I heard her say and I couldn't help but nod in agreement.

  "But Nora," she started as she lifted my head so my eyes could meet hers. "Life has to go on. Don't focus on what's gone, focus on what's alive around you. You see, time keeps ticking and life goes on everytime. If you don't learn to move on from that pain and guilt, you'll be stuck in that timezone forever and it would prevent you from seeing the beautiful things around you that still exist. So my child, Forgive yourself and forgive those that left you without saying goodbye. Move on with life. Don't let anybody determine your happiness. If there's any body that's hurting you and making you feel hurt, forgive them, not for them but for yourself. Because you deserve the best even if the world isn't showing you that best. And you deserve to be happy even if no one cares for your happiness. When you're mentally fine and happy no matter the pain, everything will move on fine, okay?". Nanny said, each words giving me power and strength to keep going and be strong for myself.

I nodded and hugged her tightly. She reminds me of grandma who once said to Aunty Black when Aunty Black wanted to kill herself because her husband publicly broke up with her. Grandma said "A woman who says she's not going to keep on living because her husband cheated on her is just being foolish. A cheating husband is like rain and it rains everywhere. You can't say because it rains you'll never enjoy the atmosphere ever again. You just have to learn to deal with the rain"

  I'll forgive Dure. Even though I know what he did hurt me, but I'll forgive him. Leave everything in the past and make him see why I'm irreplaceable. I'll do my best to love him and be there for him even when it's hard. Cause he was there for me during my hard times. I would be there when he needs me the most.

"Don't worry, my child. Your grandparents will watch over you from wherever they are. And I know that they'll always be proud of you". I heard Nanny say, patting my hair more gently than she did before.

"Are you ready to go home, your highness?" I heard a masculine voice say. I looked up and found Lucas. He also seemed to be drenched by the rain, panting like he just ran a marathon.

"Yes, Lucas. She's ready to go home". Nanny responded on my behalf, helping me to rise to my feet.

She handed me over to Lucas, who threw his dry blazer on my shoulders before allowing me to rest on his wet self. I was still weak so I had no choice but to rest on his body.

"Take her home and have Mary and Ciara to make her hot tea and bay soup. I need to go home and pack few of my things. I'll be coming over to your place tomorrow, till you're emotionally, mentally and physically better". Nanny said, before giving me a final nod, allowing Lucas and I to walk away.


   "We're home, your highness". I heard Lucas say. I nodded and gathered little strength to get out of the car myself.

  "PRINCESS!". I heard three people shout at the same time. I turned around to see Mary, Ciara and Kalia running towards me.

  Before I could even tell them to stop in their tracks, the three of them fell on me, engaging me in a tight group hug.

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