🏵️Chapter 23🏵️: When things start to fall apart.

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{Dure's P.O.V}

I woke up with a splitting headache that felt like a needle was forcefully passing through my brain. I groaned in pain as I was forced to open my eyes and sit up in bed.

I rested my back on the pillow behind me which was different from the one I just raised my head from. I looked around and I discovered I was actually in bed. In my matrimonial bed with Nora.

How on Earth did I even get here?

Then the scene of yesterday, played in my memory and I remembered the way I pulled my wife to the dinner, pulled her out and struck her face. I remembered how I tried to reach her number but it wasn't going and I felt the pain coming back to me again. I tried to drown the pain with alcohol but it was only temporary. No wonder my head hurts like hell, I hit it hard on the tiled table from frustration. The pain persisted and I couldn't see clearly anymore. I had to squint my eyes to see things around me.

Just then, in walked Ameed, in a blue checkers t-shirt and jeans. He was holding a document in his hands as he walked closer to the bed in which I lay.

"Good morning, Master. How was your night?" He greeted. I could only grunt in reply. There was silence for a while and I had to look at him, curious why he was suddenly silent after the greeting.

"You didn't just walk into my room to stare at me right?" I asked him, squinting my eyes at him.

"No, master. I'm not sure if I should let you know about this because, you seem to be in enough pain already".

"Don't mind me. Shoot". I ordered him but for the next few seconds he was silent. I was so pained that I couldn't shoot him a glare because of the pain I was enduring at the moment. When he sensed how his silence was annoying me, he started talking.

"You asked me to find out the location of your wife and kids. I couldn't find it yesterday. This morning I got a report from the airport at Lokai that Madam, the kids and their grandmother took a plane to Australia". He announced.

It took a while before that registered in my mind but when that did, I jumped out of bed, grabbed him by the collar and juggled him to the wall. The headache I was experiencing, disappeared.

"What do you mean by that?!... I asked you to find out their location yesterday and you're telling me they're gone this morning?... IS THAT WHY I EMPLOYED YOU?! TO GIVE ME DELAYED INFORMATION?!" I yelled at him in anger. My breath was ragged and my fists were almost going to land on his face but I remembered that he was just someone who informed me of the outcome of my mistake and stupidity.

"I'm sorry boss. I shouldn't have been incompetent". He apologized and as quickly as my hands grabbed his shirt, it fell. I sat on the bed, my hands ruffling my hair hard.

"You've never been incompetent! You're to make up for your mistake by finding her exact location in Australia and giving me before tomorrow runs to an end". I told him, before sitting on the bed.

"Yes boss. I'll get to work". He replied and turned to leave.

"I was guessing what made that growling noise just now. It wasn't hard to guess that it was you, my love. How was your night?" I heard the familiar voice say as she walked forward to us with a tray in her hand.

Nora slowly walked up to me, then put the tray on the bed. She smiled and looked at me. I actually noticed she was leaping.

"My love, why were you so drunk yesterday?... Anything on your mind?" She asked me as she stretched forth her hand towards me.

"I'm fine now". I replied her, holding her hand away from my face.

"Why were you leaping?" I asked her to divert her attention.

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