IV. Motion Sickness

Start from the beginning

Shane surveys the area with a shotgun in his hand, as always. "Problem, Dale?"

Oh, no of course not. Other than the fact that they have no RV now.

"Just the small matter of being stuck in the middle of nowhere with no hope of—" Dale cuts himself off when he finally looks around at all the open and abandoned cars, "Okay, that was dumb."

"If you can't find a radiator hose here, there's a whole bunch of stuff we can find." Daryl says as he starts looking through the back of a van.

T-Dog walked up front and passed everyone else, "I can siphon more fuel from these cars for a start."

"Maybe some water?" Carol suggested, "Or food?"

"This is a graveyard." Everyone looks back at Lori with wide eyes. She wasn't technically wrong, but they may never get a chance at supplies like this again, so no matter what, they should still take the chance. "I don't know how I feel about this."

No one said a word, they looked around at each other in silence trying to read everyone's faces. Until T-Dog just completely walks past her and instructs everyone else. "Come on, y'all, just look around. Gather what you can."

Dani walked up beside Lori and scratches the back of her own neck, "We won't take long, alright? The sooner we find the stuff we need the sooner we can leave." Lori nodded and tilted her head down before walking away.

Dani walked past cars with decaying bodies inside, exhaling a sharp breath at the smell of each one. She came up to a small black van that she noticed had boxes in the trunk. It was closed and hard to open, but it wasn't locked. She pulled roughly, harder and harder until the trunk flew open and Dani went flying into her back, hitting her head against the hard pavement with a small pained yelp.

Though she got up and rubbed the area that she hit, feeling a small bump forming. Mumbling under her breath, she walked back up to the now open trunk of the van and started looking through some cardboard boxes. She pulled out a few barbie dolls a couple times, then a half empty water bottle, until finally she pulled out a small picture.

It was a family portrait; two women—brunette and blonde—stood behind a little red headed boy and a little girl with an afro. The two kids looked about the same age, as did the women to each other. There was also, in the bottom right corner, the head of a big dog that probably wasn't supposed to be in the picture, but crept in there last minute.

Dani smiled and dusted off the picture lightly, before putting it back in with the dolls she pulled out previously.

She then suddenly heard Rick whisper-shouting and motioning for her to get under the cars. Dani had no clue what was going on but she got under nonetheless. The look on Rick's face worried her enough to quickly crawl under the black van.

There she could see the others under cars, the same as her. And then she saw feet. Hundreds of them— of walkers. They were walking together down the highway, moaning and groaning, shuffling past each other and the vehicles with dragging feet.

Dani put both of her hands over her mouth to stop her quickened breath from being heard. All she needed was for one walker to find out she was there, and it would send of a chain of them down to follow, and she'd be dead.

Walkers passed her, but they never seemed to stop coming. They just walked, and walked, and walked, and walked. Endlessly.

One of them stumbled and fell beside the car that Dani was under. Her breath hitched in her throat. She turns her head to the other side in hopes of it passing her. Or maybe so that she wouldn't see if it was coming at her, regardless, it seemed to work. The walker got back up to its feet and carried on. And by then, they all seemed to have passed her.

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