Eight: Homecoming-out

Start from the beginning

"Hey," I greeted him.

"Hi. How are you?" He asked, sitting down next to me.

"Great." For a reason that he hopefully doesn't know. And then I realized something. "Did you do something to you hair? It looks different."

"Oh. I straightened it. I do when I don't want to put effort into my appearance but I also don't want to look like I just don't care," he responded with a laugh. My God, his laugh is beautiful.

"Hm. It looks good on you. Actually, you look good in general."

"Thanks. You do too." He smiled at me. And I melted. Jeez, I'm whipped for this dude and I only really started to know him yesterday. There's something wrong with me.

I need to show him that I have the confidence to be in a stable relationship with a guy. But how?

That's how I found myself yelling to the whole limo, with literally all of my friends and their girlfriends, "Hey, guys. Listen up."

It quieted down after a second, and they directed their attention to me. I took a deep breath, and announced, "I'm bisexual."

And then the limo got a hell of a lot quieter. I froze, thinking that I had just ruined everybody's night and my life.

That was until Knox spoke up and replied, "Okay. Thanks for telling us. That takes courage." Since he was sitting next to me, he clapped me on the back. His date for the night, Gabriella I discovered, grinned at me.

"Yeah, definitely. That's cool. You know we'll always support you, right?" Brady added.

I smiled, probably wider than I ever had, and responded, "Well, now I do."

Meanwhile, Devin's eyes kept darting between me and Liam, an eyebrow raised.

I heard from someone in the back, "Wait, does that mean that Liam is your date?" The voice seemed to be Charlie's.

"No, no, most definitely not," I answered quickly.

Liam vigorously shook his head. "I'm only coming because Randall here's parents kinda suck and pressured him to get a date, but he didn't want to, so he gave the ticket to Dev for me to use."

I turned to him. "Did you just call me Randall?"

"Yeah, what're you gonna do about it..." he paused, then continued, "Randall?"

I pushed him into the seat. "Don't you dare call me Randall, that's what my family calls me. It's weird."

"Okay, Randall," he retorted, and began pushing back.

"Woah, hey, woah, we don't need any fights inside of the limo. Feel free to go at it once we get out and can safely watch from afar," Knox said, shoving me away from him.

"Ugh. Fine. What's an embarrassing nickname you have?" I asked Liam.

"I don't have any."

"Lili," Devin answered.

"Oooooo," I responded. When I looked back at Liam, he was sporting the best RBF I've ever seen. Thankfully it wasn't directed at me but instead at his brother, who started cracking up.

Soon enough, we arrived at Gallagher Hall, where the dance was being held. We got out of the limo and headed inside. The theme was Under The Stars, because they couldn't be bothered to come up with something semi-original, but it still looked pretty. One kinda cool thing was that even though it was a cool night, they put heating lamps outside so you could sit and see the stars.

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