Her reddish brown hair was slightly wavy and flipped to one side as it went down to her mid-back. The color of her eyes was a vibrant green and her skin was pale.

She wore a red long-sleeves shirt to compliment her red painted nails, her shoes were black knee-high boots, and she had on black skinny jeans too.

MJ was 16 years old and would become a pro baseball player, hunter, PI, and bounty hunter. She didn't end up with anyone and was perfectly happy by herself.

"I'm not scared of the airplane!" Dean said indignantly. When she just tilted her head with a raised eyebrow, he went on. "I'm scared of airplanes crashing."

"I can't believe that you're going to Norway for two weeks. I'm so jealous." Mandy changed the subject as she spoke to Claire.

"Yeah, why can't you bring us?" Jack Rowen Pamela Winchester-Singer questioned his older sister.

His hair was straight and brown, and his eyes were still blue with golden flecks in them. His outfit consisted of a red flannel, cream colored shirt, black sneakers, and black jeans.

He was 20 years old and going to college for an archaeology degree, using his soccer scholarship to his advantage. His real dream was to take over the flower shop and market from his Papa.

Alex and Jack had just started dating and (although they didn't know it) they'd be married in a few years time. There only daughter would be named Lilly.

"I'm not taking my siblings with me to Norway because it's supposed to be a romantic trip." Claire answered Jack like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

To be fair, it kind of was.

Charlie "CJ" Asher Joanna Winchester-Singer had remained quiet the entire conversation, just happy to listen to his family for now.

He was 16 years old and would soon become an astrologist and engineer. Later on in life he would even get to be an astronaut.

Little Star was gonna go to space.

He would also meet a charming man named Andy who he would end up marrying, and having a daughter named Lyra (after the constellation).

His short (but longer than Ben's) hair was a light brown and curly, his eyes were insanely bright blue, and he wore an outfit that consisted of a blue sweater, black jeans, and grey converse.

The door was suddenly opened and a boy with fair skin, dark brown (straight, pushed back, and longish) hair, and blue-green eyes entered.

He was wearing a jean jacket, tie-dye t-shirt, dark jeans, and brown boots. His age was 18, and he would soon become a hunter and weapon maker (specializing in weapons against the supernatural). He had a girlfriend named Lexie and would have one son named James.

It was none other than Dean "DB" Bobby Jody Winchester-Singer.

"Hey, I kinda need a bit of help from the mechanically inclined." He said with a big grin.

"Your piece of junk pickup break down again?" CJ asked quietly.

"No!" DB denied as he moved to get a drink from the fridge. "...Okay, maybe." Everyone groaned. "Hey! In my defense, they sold it to me like that."

"That doesn't make it better." Mandy told him, but couldn't stop herself from laughing a bit at her cousin.

"Fine, whatever. You all are being extra hostile today, what's up?" He asked as he shut the fridge with a soda in hand.

"I'm just going to the airport." Claire explained and he huffed slightly.

"That doesn't seem like a reason to be crabby." DB responded and made an excited noise when Miracle (a blond Doodle mix that saved Dean's life when a werewolf had come into town.) came around the corner to get some petting.

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