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(Narrator POV)
A young blonde woman in her early twenties stepped out of her light blue Impala, which she had parked next to its classic black counterpart in the driveway.

She grabbed a terrarium out of the backseat and rested it on her hip as she went up the path to the house. With her free hand she opened the door to her childhood home.

"Hey, everybody!" Clarity "Claire" Bobby Gabriel Winchester-Singer greeted her family members as she shut the door behind herself.

The house was virtually the same, but the residences had changed over the years.

Claire's long wavy blonde hair fell to her mid-back, her blue eyes sparkled under dark eyebrows, and the pale skin of her face was slightly stretched by a smile.

She was 22 years old and had just graduated from the police academy while being a hunter on the side. Her girlfriend was a brave woman named Kaia who she'd one day end up marrying.

"Hey, Claire!" A chorus of voices said at once. Her siblings and parents were apparently all downstairs waiting for her.

The quadruplets were on the couch, Jack and Cas were at the dining table, and Dean was in the kitchen making dinner.

Claire moved through the living room to put her terrarium and the snake it contained on the dinner table.

"Where's Kaia?" Samantha "Mandy" Jessica Megan Winchester-Singer asked as she stood from the couch to join them in the dining area.

Her wavy hair was dark brown and to her shoulders. The hazel of her eyes almost shimmered gold in the light as her slightly tan skin caught the sun's rays from the window. She wore a navy blue tank top, a purple flannel, dark blue jeans, and some brown ankle boots.

Mandy was 16 years old, and would one day become a marine biologist and veterinarian. She would also meet a sweet blonde by the name of Freddie who she would eventually marry. Diana and Reagan would be the names of their twin daughters.

Claire gave a small grin at the mention of her girlfriend. She took off her black leather jacket to leave her in an olive green t-shirt, black boots, and black leggings.

"I dropped her off at the airport early. She's a bit of a nervous flyer, so she wanted to interrogate and demon-test our pilot before we take off." She explained.

Dean seemed to get a contemplative look on his face from where he was making hamburger paddies at the counter. "That's not a bad idea."

"Wait, Kaia is afraid of flying? Kaia!?" Benjamin "Ben" Grace Crowley Winchester-Singer asked in disbelief. His dark brown eyes brightened with a prank idea as he eagerly leaned against the back of the couch.

He was wearing a black t-shirt, green flannel, blue jeans, and green sneakers. His short dark brown hair and pale skin contrasted against each other nicely.

Ben was 16, and would soon meet a fierce girl named Krissy who he would marry much later in life. They would have one son named Rowen.

The career he would choose was the same as his dad's, and one day he'd inherit the garage for himself.

(Dean's bar was going to be a gift to Benny and Meg's daughter Ashly Singer Jessie Lafitte, in the far future.)

"Shut up, Ben."  Claire answered him.

"Your father is afraid of flying." Cas commented absentmindedly while all of the kids whipped their heads to face him and Dean made 'please don't' gestures from the kitchen.

"Dad is afraid to fly?" Mary "MJ" Jody Ellen Winchester-Singer asked as she stood up to head into the kitchen. "Dude, you killed a demon and you're scared of an airplane?"

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