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(Narrator POV)
Dean had had a weird day which had started out completely normal (as most weird days do).

He got up with Castiel the same as every other day, they spent some alone time in bed before the kids came rushing in to get them (just like normal), and they all ate together as per usual.

The whole family got dressed when it was time to leave, and Dean took the Fearsome Foursome with him to the bar while Cas dropped Claire (3rd grade) and Jack (2nd grade) off at school before heading to work himself.

(The quadruplets weren't going to preschool because there weren't any around that were actually worth it, and Dean and Cas had set out to teach the kids preschool-level stuff themselves.)

Dean worked at the bar and served drinks like always while periodically checking on the kids in the back. (Meg wasn't there, because it was she and Benny's anniversary and so they went on a long-weekend trip)

He started getting a weird feeling around noon-ish, like a shivering going down his spine every now and then. His hunter instincts started to buzz to life as he felt a tug in his gut that meant trouble was coming.

Obviously, he wasn't psychic, but he knew when to trust a gut feeling, and now was one of those times.

"Psst! Dad!" A voice behind him whispered, and so he turned to see Mandy peeking out of the office.

Her wavy brown hair nearly came down to her shoulders now and her big hazel eyes stared up at him. She was wearing some black and blue butterfly leggings, small blue sneakers, a tiny black jean jacket, and a white shirt with a blue dolphin on it.

"Yes, Little Dolphin?" Dean replied and she smiled real big at the name.

"Can I have more juice?" Mandy asked as she slipped her body out a bit farther to offer him her cup.

"Sure thing, kiddo." He said and grabbed the offered object in order to refill it with more grape juice.

As he was pouring, he felt the telltale tingle at the back of his neck that meant little eyes were watching him for one reason or another.

"You okay, Dada?"

Dean froze for a split second at the very sweetly asked question. He didn't think his nerves were that obvious, but Mandy had taken after her older sister in perceptiveness.

"Yeah, sweetie, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" He moved to get her some ice from the freezer area.

"You're lookin' around all weird." She answered in the no-filter way that most kids (and both of her parents) had.

Dean wasn't really sure how to answer her either. He didn't want to worry her, but he also didn't want to lie. However, since she was a part of their family and a part of him, he knew that she'd probably worry either way and would just feel betrayed if he lied.

"I just have a bit of a bad feeling is all, I'm sure it's nothing." He settled on. Honest, but downplayed.

Mandy seemed to think for a second as Dean crouched down and handed her the cup full of purple beverage.

"Have Papa sing our song like you do for me."  She told him as she gave him a hug, and then went on to give him her reasoning behind the suggestion. "That makes me feel better."

"Thank you, maybe I'll try that." Dean chuckled a bit at how sweet his Little Butterfly was.

He thought it was very nice that she was willing to let him use their song to make him feel better, instead of having it be for her. All of the kids had a special song with him, and another with Cas. Just like how Mary and Dean had had 'Hey Jude' as their song, but Sam had a different one.

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