A Sheriff And A Hunter

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(Narrator POV)
Dean and Castiel had been living their new lives as parents for roughly 6 months, when Bobby and Jody got married.

The day started like any other August evening, but was swiftly interrupted

Castiel was upstairs changing Claire's clothes and diaper while Dean was in the kitchen making breakfast for all of them.

The family had been shocked when they found out about Claire, but they were also supportive and super excited to have a new addition. They had all been very helpful throughout everything, and the new parents were kind of surprised at how easy life with a baby was.

Don't get it wrong though, it wasn't all smooth sailing. Life with a newborn had been awful since Claire had decided that she was allergic to sleep immediately.

There was a definite adjustment period, and a time where they were trying to gather all the needed baby items before she would require them since they hadn't been physically prepared for a baby when they got her. They had to work on her room (mountain themed), and get all the baby supplies and toys much faster than normal since they didn't have months to get ready.

Becoming parents had an expected learning curve that Dean and Cas tried their best to work through with minimal bumps, and there were times where the two men were so tired that they could drop for a nap at any moment.

It was all worth it though.

Claire was everything to them, and they couldn't imagine life without her now that they had her around. She was a fixture to the family and a full-blown member since day-one, even though she couldn't even speak yet.

There was absolutely nothing her fathers wouldn't do for her.

Literally nothing.

They would die for her or kill for her. Take down a hoard of demons if necessary or go head-on with a zombie apocalypse. Go to Heaven, or purgatory, or even Crowley's smokey domain. Save the world or let it end.

Really, sky's (not even) the limit.

She was worth all the trouble and tiredness. Both men were content, even if they had been running on nothing but coffee and their sheer power of will for the first few months.

Castiel came downstairs with the little insomniac in his arms, and went through the living room before getting to the kitchen where Dean could see them.

He smiled at the duo as they made their way to him.

Claire was wearing a navy blue onesie that said 'FBI' in white with smaller words below that said 'Fabulously  Beautiful Infant' (a/n reference photo below), and little white and purple striped socks.

Castiel had on a dark grey sweater, black jeans, and black socks covered in little yellow bees. Dean was wearing a dark green flannel with a grey t-shirt, dark jeans and plain black socks. He also had on all his normal jewelry (bracelets, rings, and samulet).

"Well, hello there, Little Huntress." Dean said as he took Claire into his arms with a big smile that Cas shared. The hunter bounced their daughter a bit in his arms and gave her a kiss on the cheek (which always made her giggle like crazy), before handing the beaming baby back to his husband so he wouldn't burn the food.

After receiving a kiss of his own from Dean (on the lips this time), Cas moved to sit with Claire at the island while they waited for Dean to finish cooking.

They ate breakfast and fed Claire, then made sure that the animals were all taken care of before they settled in on the couch to watch a nature show that they all liked.

Just as a commercial came, a very frazzled Sam burst in through the door. He earned himself three identical looks of confusion before he started gesturing wildly at Dean.

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