Back At It

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Warning! Mention of weed (it still feels weird warning for that, but I thought I'd be safe),
(Narrator POV)
The next morning, Dean and Sam reluctantly contacted John to tell him that they'd help him hunt down the demon.

They could do it themselves, but John knew more about the monster and had been tracking him for years.

Unfortunately, if they wanted to get the job done fast, his help would probably be necessary.

Apparently, the demon had only failed at this two other times, and when those events happened, he went to a specific town to recuperate and find a new vessel. So, that's where the boys would be going.

Nobody had slept for the rest of the night, sufficiently frightened into not wanting to sleep again. The kids managed naps, but kept waking up again in fear.

When morning came, Dean and Sam started making calls to the family to let them know all about what had happened (they had been informed about the demon a few hours after Sam had arrived that day). After those many calls, Dean called the school to get Claire and Jack the day off, and Sam got a call from Jody about the vessel situation (which she had come to the house in the middle of the night to help them solve).

After that, Dean packed up the bags he'd need for hunting while Sam went to do the same (talking on the phone with Dean the whole time so he'd know if something went wrong), and then they met up in front of the house.

Sam had also packed for Jess (at her request) and DB since she had asked to stay with Cas and the kids at the other house while Dean and Sam were gone.

She and DB were going to stay in the guest rooms so that they would be extra safe. Cas and Jess had been taught how to fight, but being eight-months pregnant made it a lot harder to fight off a demon.

Anyways, once Sam made it back to the house, everyone started to show up or come outside.

They had agreed to have all the family come over to say goodbye and John would meet them there when it was time (they were taking separate vehicles though, of course).

Bobby was the first to step up and hug the boys. "You two come back soon, ya idjits. If John gets to be too much, give me a call or pop him one in the nose."

Dean and Sam both chuckled and hugged their father. "We will, Dad." Dean assured and then Sam spoke after him. "Yeah, don't worry about us."

"I love ya, boys." Bobby said and both of them grinned at him and spoke at the same time. "Love you too."

After he was done, Jody swooped right in to pull the boys into a tight hug. "I love you both very much. Be safe, don't get hurt, and don't kill anybody."

"We love you too, and we will." Sam assured and Dean nodded with a smile.

"Don't worry about the vessel situation either. I got it covered."

"Thanks, Mom." Dean said as they both gave her a kiss on opposing cheeks.

"You're welcome, boys."

Right after they finished saying goodbye to her, Charlie ran up and jumped into Dean's arms to hug him like a koala.

"I love you and I need you to be careful. My brothers have to come back in one piece, you understand?" She demanded of both men as she smiled at Sam over Dean's shoulder, before pulling back enough to peer down at her best friend. "I'm looking at you, Handmaiden."

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