Friggin' Winchesters.

"I wanna do it for ya, if you'd like me to." Bobby replied simply.

The older boy seemed to think about it before looking to his younger brother who was giving him hopeful puppy-dog eyes.

"Are you sure?" Dean asked, wanting to be sure that they weren't imposing upon the older hunter.

Bobby understood that Dean always felt responsible for taking care of them and he felt like he was being a burden. Again, another thing that upset Bobby because he loved those boys like they were his sons and the thought of them being on their own put a pit in his stomach.

"I ain't ever been so sure of anythin' in my life."

With that, smiles were exchanged and the boys were given some papers to sign for certain things to make the documents look real. They also agreed to change the boys last name to Winchester-Singer. Because their dad may have been less than stellar, but their mom had still been a Winchester too and they loved her.

"Only problem is we need John's signature." Bobby huffed, annoyed and really desiring to call John something much more colorful.

"Give it here." Dean gestured while grabbing the closest paper with an empty line. "I've been forging his name since I was seven. Got it down pat! See?" He finished and turned the form to show Bobby a perfect rendering of John Winchester's chicken-scratch signature.

Bobby silently slid the rest of the forms over to the boy and tried his best not to think about why Dean would need to perfect the signature of his absent father.

Turned out, John wasn't mentioned again for years.

The boys grew faster than weeds and Bobby eventually moved all the books from the third upstairs bedroom into the basement. This allowed for the two Winchester-Singers to have their own rooms for the first time since they were a toddler and a baby.

Even after redecorating to the boys' separate tastes, Sam still found his way into Dean's room most nights when he was lonely or had a nightmare (they outgrew that when Sam hit puberty, and -in Dean's wise words- became a 'total drama queen').

Sam's new room was made into his own little sanctuary where he had many bookshelves and a nice desk. His walls were painted cream and he put a big blue rug over most of the scratched hardwood. He had scientific and historical type posters framed around the walls and a nice window-seat to read in along with a comfortable (brown leather) armchair in the corner of the room. There was a nice brown chair at the desk and his bed was a full-size with grey and blue coverings. The dresser was next to it along with a nightstand and lamp.

Dean even littered the ceiling with glow-in-the-dark stars. Sam said they were childish when he was going through a particularly snobbish phase, but both Bobby and Dean noticed that he refused to take them down.

Dean's room was much more laidback from the very start. He painted the walls a light green-blue color and hung up various (unframed) posters of movies and rock bands while keeping the scratchy floor rug-less. He had a smaller (and singular) bookshelf and one beat-up desk that was in the room originally. That desk got a nice wheeled chair added to it and Dean put up all kinds of pictures on a bulletin board above the desk. In one corner was a ratty black chair that Dean had quickly picked as his favorite and in the other was a dresser full of clothes. Dean also got a window seat and a nice nightstand with a purple/red/blue lava lamp on it. The finishing touch in his room was the large assortments of knick-knacks around and the large queen-sized bed with black covers.

Bobby tried to convince Dean to let him replace some of that old furniture, but Dean insisted that he liked it and would instead prefer the most comfortable bed their budget could buy.

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