Nicole hugged her once more before pulling out.

Amarachi felt so anxious and nervous. Going back to the state to meet the same people who made sure to inflict pains on her was frightening and exciting. She badly wanted to watch aunty Lydia's reaction when she saw that her plan to have her killed had failed.

Nicole on the other hand couldn't help her agitated, anxious mind. Raphael told her yesterday that she would be his by today. What did he mean?
She anticipated for his action and couldn't help but eagerly wait for his arrival in their home.
But in the mean time it was best to tell her dad about him and her feelings for him.

"Dad. I have something to tell you"Nicole began, her voice doused in apprehension.

She went over to sit by him on the sofa. "It's about my marriage to Noah. I don't want him dad"
Her father sighed and faced her.
"Again with this? You need to move on and Noah is a good person. He will treat you right. Just give him a chance"

Nicole shook her head at him. "I love somebody else dad. I can't be with Noah. Do you want me to marry a man I don't love?"
Her response attracted stares from everyone present.

Mrs linda moved to her daughter with itching ears. "Who do you love darling?"

Amarachi knew it was Raphael. She felt so excited that her sister would finally open up to everyone.
Nicole was about speaking when the gate of their house opened with a sonorous sound and a black Mercedes-Benz pulled inside.

Nicole quickly went to the window and peered outside the curtains.
Her heart skipped a beat and she felt those familair butterfly fluttering inside her. It was Raphael.

She quickly went over to her dad, beaming with smiles.
"Who is that?"Mrs Linda asked as she was about going over to check by the window but the doorbell rang which stoped her in her tracks.
Nicole quickly scurried over to open the door and hugged Raphael immedately she saw him.

Her parents were surprised by her sudden display of affection towards the young barrister.
"Did you miss me this much?"Raphael asked with a chuckle.

"Don't let your head swell"Nicole teasingly replied.

"Won't you let the guest come in Nicole?"Mrs Linda asked.

Nicole had totally forgotten they were still standing by the doorway. She took him by the hand and led him inside before closing the door.

"Goodafternoon Chief and Mrs Linda"Raphael greeted formally like he had come for a business deal.

"How are you son? It's such a pleasant surprise to see you here"chief victor replied while Mrs Linda gave him her warm welcoming smile.

"Dad, mum, this is the man I love"Nicole confessed as she interlocked hands with Raphael.

The confession really hit her parents like a comet. They stared at each other in confusion. "Nicole I thought both of you never got along?"Mrs linda asked.

"Yes at the beginning. She was just being very stubborn but I really love your daughter"Raphael replied.
Nicole couldn't help the blush spreading to her cheeks.

"Wow this was totally not what I expected"her dad began short of words to say.

"Dad I really don't want to get married to Noah. I love Raphael so much. I want to be with him"Nicole cried out with pleading eyes to her father.

"I won't be an obstruction to my daughters happiness. I never knew you had someone else in mind to be honest. I'll talk to Noah and his father. I'll tell them you already have someone you want. Since you both want each other then you both should be with each other. You have I and your mother's support"

Pains of Amara(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now