Chapter 17

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  My heart was palpitating as i watched Nne getting laid on the stretcher and rushed inside one of the hospital wards by the nurses.
It was painful seeing her in such a condition. I could  never imagine loosing Nne. She isn't only my grandma.
She is my best friend and mother.
I love her so much.
If anything happened to Nne i will never forgive Ogechi and aunty Lydia.
Tears kept on streaming down my cheeks as i sat down burying my face in my palms.
  I could hear ogechi hissing and murmuring.
"Why is this one crying now?"Ogechi said rudely.
I couldn't blame her. I ignored her remark. She was incapable of having human emotions. All she thought of was her self.
"You aren't the only concerned about Nne o"she added.
  I wasn't in the mood to exchange words with her. Nne is the only one on my mind right now.

  After what seemed like an eternity,the doctor came out from the ward. Immediately, we all went to meet the doctor. I glanced at uncle Francis, he really looked worried.
"Doctor what's the update?"uncle Francis asked worriedly.

The doctor motioned with his hands for my uncle to calm down.
"She is fine ok. Don't be worried. No serious damages. She needs to rest. I'll recommend that she stops doing any strenous work"the doctor said with a friendly smile.
I was so relieved on hearing that.
Aunty Lydia and Ogechi seemed relieved as they both exhaled simultaneously.

"She doesn't do any strenous work"Uncle francis replied.

"So what happened to her?"the doctor asked.

I was about talking but aunty Lydia quickly interrupted.
"Eehmm..she slipped and fell o. She wanted to come outside but ended up falling"aunty Lydia lied.
I gasped.
What a lie!

"It's nothing. Make sure you all take care of her please. She's an old woman. If you want to see her you can see her but please don't stress her"the doctor advised and left.
We immediately rushed to Nne's ward.
I quickly rushed to Nne's side as she laid on the bed. She caressed my hair as my tears were silently dropping on her shoulder.

"Amara stop crying. Your Nne is fine"Nne said.

"Mother how are you?"Uncle Francis asked as he sat at her feet.

"I'm fine my son ok. You people should stop getting worried"
I raised my head up and cleaned my tear-stained face.
I smiled at her and Nne smiled back.

"Ehn mama how are you?"Lydia asked with a hint of guilt in her tone.

Nne exhaled deeply and eyed both aunty Lydia and Ogechi.
"I'm fine"She replied abruptly.

"Nne i know you are hungry. Let me go home and prepare your food. I'll bring it here and stay here with you"I suggested. I didn't want her to be lonely.

Nne shook her head.
"Mba(no). You've worked enough. You can go home and Ogechi will bring my food"

I noticed a frown on Ogechi's face. She was about to protest when Nne interrupted her.
"She will also stay with me"

I was about objecting to it because i knew Ogechi wouldn't like it and looking at her facial expression,she didn't want to stay in the hospital with Nne but Nne shook her head once more.

"She will do it!"Nne commanded.
I signed in defeat and glanced at Ogechi and aunty Lydia. They both had a worried look on their face.
Why were they so worried?
It was just for ogechi to stay with Nne in the hospital.

Ogechi suddenly dragged her mother with her out of the ward. I eyed them as they went outside. I could hear her murmuring as she walked outside the ward.


"Mama how can i stay with Nne today in the hospital?"Ogechi asked  worriedly as she tucked her mother to a certain corner of the hospital.

Aunty Lydia eyed the surroundings making sure nobody was eavesdropping.
"I understand..." she began
"But you have no choice. Nne's mind is made up. We can't change it and your father isn't objecting to it"

Ogechi let out a faint cry of defeat.
"Why couldn't she allow that stupid Amara to stay with her now?"
Lydia sighed as she ran her hands through her loosened hair.

"Mama what of chief clement now? We promised him I'll visit him tonight" Ogechi cried out.

"Calm down"her mother cautioned.
"You know what, I'll send Amara instead"

Ogechi's mouth went agape on hearing that statement.
"Amara???? Can she do it?"

"She will. Dontworry about it ok. Leave it to me"her mother said.


    I was massaging Nne's feet when Aunty Lydia and Ogechi walked inside. Uncle Francis had left to pay the bills leaving only I and Nne in the ward.
I wonder what Aunty Lydia and Ogechi  talked about?

Aunty Lydia then spoke up breaking the silence"Mama i talked with Ogechi, She agreed on staying here"

"Yes Nne"Ogechi added reluctantly.

  Nne didn't say anything. She just nodded her head.

"Amara you can go home and rest. I'll bring food for both Nne and Ogechi. Go home"Aunty Lydia requested.
I was so shocked.
Aunty Lydia is literally telling me to rest?
I couldn't be more shocked.
I nodded my head and waved at Nne as I left for home.

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