Chapter 35

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Mrs Justice stared at Nne,utterly perplexed by what she just heard.
She blinked severally and cleared her throat.
"Mama there must be a misunderstanding somewhere"Mrs Justice began with a smile.
"Madam Lydia told me that Ogechi is a seamstress. She even works with her and said Ogechi taught Amara how to sew"

Nne furrowed her eyebrows at Mrs Justice.
"Why would Lydia utter such a lie? There must be something attached to it. She wants to be on her good side that's why she is trying to paint a good picture of herself to Ada"

"But ogechi is still my daughter as well as Amara. If i tell Ada the full truth she might not want to associate with Lydia again"

"Mama what are you thinking?"Ada's voice cut through Nne's thoughts.

Nne smiled at her and shook her head,"I see where the misunderstanding is coming from. See Ada, Amara is the better seamstress. She knows how to sew more than anyone in this family. Everybody knows Amara is talented in it. Maybe to Lydia, Ogechi is the talented one but Amara is the more talented one"
Nne didn't want to tell Ada that Lydia lied to her.
She knew fully well that Lydia will melt out her anger on poor Amara.
So she decided to withhold the full information from Ada whilst giving Amara the credit she deserves.

"Let me hold this information until i find out why Lydia lied" Nne thought to herself.

"Wow so Amara is the more talented one. Hmm.. I guess each person has their own preference"Mrs Justice replied with a smirk.

"Mama I'll be going ok. Take care of yourself. One day I'll visit you again"she added as she turned to leave, waving at Nne.

Nne watched her walk away and a smile crept to her face.
Ada was a very nice woman. She got to know her from Ada's mother inlaw.
She secretly wished Ada was the one who married Francis instead of Lydia.
Atleast, there wouldn't have been any bitterness in her family even after the passing of Chinenye and Emeka.

Just the thought of Chinenye and Emeka brought back tears to Nne's eyes. She used her wrapper to gently dab her eyes and she sniffed her nose.
"I wish both of you were alive to watch how big your daughter Amara has become"Nne said in a whisper.

A sternly resolved then washed across her face,"I'll make sure i find out why Lydia told such a lie. I will then use truth to help Amara"


"Amarachi see this gown I'm sewing, you will add beads to it all around the neck region"aunty Lydia instructed as she showed me the gown. I stood up,facing her and nodded my head continuously.
She was still talking when Ogechi suddenly barged into the shop, murmuring and cursing under her breath.

I rolled my eyes at Ogechi, I knew she was definitely going to throw a tantrum.
"My daughter what is the problem?"Aunty Lydia said as she stopped talking to me and directed all her attention on Ogechi who sat next to her, sulking.

"Mama everytime there is no money in this family. I am coming from home o. I asked papa for just small seven thousand naira he couldn't give me"Ogechi ranted, throwing her hands in the air.

I occasionaly glanced at Ogechi with a sad look on my face as she kept on complaining to her mother who seemed interested in her rants.

"My princess don't worry ok. See a customer is about to pay me. Once she pays me I'll divide the money in half and give you one part"aunty Lydia said with a huge smile on her face.
I watched as Ogechi's face lit up on hearing that. She hugged her mother so tightly.
It made me wish my own mother was still alive.
I choked back on a sob and watched both of them.

"Aunty..."I called out which made Lydia hiss in annoyance.

"Amarachi what?!"She replied harshly without facing me.

"Aunty you know you told me I'll go and learn embroidery so we will stop paying Madam Gloria to do it for us"i began.
Since she had money, I thought it will be ok to remind her of what she promised me, atleast the money would be entering a useful course.

"Ehn So!?"Ogechi added rudely.
I ignored Ogechi's remark and continued talking,"Cecilia that knows how to embroidery, the one that owns a shop near that round about side said she will teach me for two hundred naira".

Aunty Lydia eyed me from head to toe and shook her head, as if she was disgusted by what I said.

"So Amarachi, because of this small money I said I'm getting, you want to start billing me right?"

What was wrong in learning embroidery?
It will do us good because we won't have to pay others to do it.
Why was aunty Lydia being blind to the truth?

"No no aunty. It will be good. You won't have to pay anymore to do embroidery and it's at a cheap rate"I replied trying to convince her.

"Will you shut up! Because of this small money I have, you want to finish it. See your mouth"aunty Lydia shouted at me.

I glanced at Ogechi who was smirking at me.
I turned my face away from her gaze and faced aunty Lydia.
"You better go back to work and stop this your stupid behaviour"she lashed at me.

"Mama I'll be going now ok"Ogechi said as she stood up, glaring at me.

I exhaled deeply.
What was wrong in what I asked of her?
I shook my head and continued my sewing.


Amarachi was mending a torn cloth when Mrs Justice walked into the shop.
The sun was gradually setting by that time.
"Amarachi my dear"Mrs Justice called out smiling as she stood by the door way.
Amarachi raised her head up and a large smile spread across her lips.
"Good evening ma" Amarachi greeted as she stood up to offer Mrs Justice a seat.

Mrs Justice chuckled,"Amara no need for that ok. I just wanted to check on you. Where is Madam Lydia?"

"Amara have you...."Lydia began as she was coming out from her office but stopped her sentence mid-way once she spotted Mrs Justice.

"Ada. Good evening. To what do I owe this visit?"Lydia said, grinning from ear to ear.

"I just wanted to stop by and greet you since I was passing the area.
I am always seeing Amarachi working, where is Ogechi?"Mrs Justice asked as her eyes roved around the shop.

"She isn't here o. I just sent her out for an errand. You just missed her"Lydia lied.

Mrs Justice nodded her head.
"Ok madam Lydia. I really wanted to see her working. I always see Amara instead. Anyways take care ok"

Both Amarachi and Lydia baded Mrs Justice farewell as she walked outside.

"Amarachi!"Lydia said harshly as she turned to face Amara.
"Yes aunty"

"You can see you are stealing the spotlight from my daughter. You better be careful if not if you end up taking what right fully belongs to my daughter, I swear to God I'll kill you Amarachi" Lydia threatened.

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