Chapter 41

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"Rebecca get out!"Nonso shouted as he glared at Becca with bloodshot dagger eyes.  For her disgracing Amara like that was the height of it all, he couldn't take it anymore.

  "I won't leave Chinonso James!!! Do your worst!"Becca challenged as she shot him back with a menacing glare.
After the incident that happened yesterday, Nonso was surprised on how Rebecca plunged herself into his house. Just seeing her face made his blood boil.

   Nonso clenched his fist in anger as he stared at her. She had her hands-at-akimbo and eyed Nonso.
Nonso suddenly gripped her hand and dragged her towards the gate.
Becca released screams and cries as she tried vehemently to release her arm from Nonso's grip but it was to no avail.

Nonso got near the gate and pushed her to the ground as he breathed heavily.
"Nonso you are doing this to me?!"

"Yes! I dislike you Rebecca. I never knew you were this wicked and heartless. You beat up your fellow girl because of a man that doesn't even want you? Ibu onye ala(Are you mad)?! I should never have told you that I'll think about your stupid offer. I never slept with you. You are a she-devil!"Nonso thundered.

Becca started shedding tears and weeped on the ground.
Nonso rolled his eyes at her weeping.
"Nonso but you slept with me. Why are you making me look like the bad one? You did. And now you are denying the fact that you did! Put yourself in my shoes then you will know why i am behaving this way. I'm just trying to protect what's mine"Becca lamented as she weeped.

"I'm not yours"Nonso shouted almost immediately.
He snapped his fingers at Becca and dragged her up with his hand as he proceeded to push her out of his gate with becca struggling to free herself.
Suddenly the gate opened and Nonso's mother, Blessing, entered inside.

     She saw the scenery going on and gasped out of shock.
Nonso stood there surprised and his grip on Becca lessened.
Rebecca immediately ran over to Blessing and wept by her feet.

   "Nonso what is going on here?"Mrs Blessing asked with a confused expression.

Before Nonso could say anything Becca immediately spoke up.
"Mama I didn't want to involve you anything but.."Becca began in tears.

"Mama wait..."Nonso said trying to cut Rebecca short but Blessing motioned with her hands for Nonso to keep quiet.

"Mama Nonso slept with me!"Rebecca finally dropped the bomb.

Blessing gasped immediately and placed her hands on her chest.
"Ewo! Chimo(My God). Chinonso did you rape her?"

Becca immediately shook her head to her question,"He didn't but we both had an affair willingly. He deflowered me. He even saw the blood stains on the bed and now he is refusing to marry me"

Nonso looked so agitated and pissed off.
"Mama i can't believe I slept with this girl. I don't want to marry her.."Nonso began in his defence.

"Nonso if you actually did sleep with Becca  as she claimed then you must marry her"Blessing said cutting Nonso in his tracks.

   It felt like the air had been sucked away from Nonso's lungs. For a moment he couldn't breathe. He just stared, dazed at his mother.
Rebecca had this triumphant expression on her face.

     "Becca go home and clean your self ok. I'll come with Nonso to talk to you and your mother"
Becca thanked Blessing profusely and stood up, dusting the dirt on her skirt.

     Once she had gone, Blessing dragged Nonso inside the house.
She sat him on a chair and sat opposite him.
"Nonso you have to marry her if what she is saying is true"

     Nonso blinked severely and chuckled,"you are kidding right?"
His mother shook his head at him.

"Mama how can i marry that girl?I don't love her!"

"Then you should have thought of that before sleeping with her!"Blessing retorted back.

"Most girls don't take it lightly with guys that deflower them. They can go as far as swearing or using charms on them. You shouldn't have slept with her when you know you don't have any intentions of marrying her"

Nonso groaned out of frustration and buried his face in his hands.
He cursed under his breath and raised his face up.
"Mama I don't even know how it happened. I just got drunk. I don't know how. I can't remember a single thing all I remember are things that happened after the affair"

Blessing shook her head in anguish. She knows her son would never rape or hurt any girl. She knows Nonso is a good man but at this point, the odds were against Nonso. As a fellow female, she had to side with becca knowing how it feels to be deflowered by a close friend and be denied by the same person.
It was a trauma that majority of girls went through.

"Nonso you have to marry her I'm sorry. Make things work between both of you. You brought this on yourself now you have to carry the cross" Blessing concluded as she stood up and headed into the kitchen.

    Nonso felt so trapped. He cursed Becca within himself and vigorously ran his hands through his hair.
He loves Amarachi but she is angry with him. She believes that he is trying to be a player.
Becca on the other hand seems to derive pleasure is causing chaos in his life and to top it up, his mother told him to marry Becca.
He wondered if life could get any worse for him.


  I sat outside the house, mending some of Nne's clothes. It was four pm. I liked how empty the house was. It was only I and Nne at home.
  I dropped the thread and needle and smiled at how well I mended Nne's clothes.
Suddenly i remembered Becca. My face wore a frown and I exhaled deeply.
I didn't like what was going on between Becca, Nonso and I.
We had been friends since we were little. This sudden animosity that sprang up bothered me.
    I was about to stand up when I saw Nne coming from inside the house.
I smiled at her and stood up for her to sit.
"Amara you are done already?"Nne asked.
I nodded my head at Nne. A thought suddenly came to me.
I wondered if i should confide in Nne about what was going on.
I didn't want to stress her.

"Amara what are you thinking?"Nne asked cutting through my thoughts.

"Nne, I and Becca are having misunderstandings. Infact I, becca and Nonso"

Nne furrowed her brows, probably trying to remember who they were.

"Oh those your friends. You are having issues with them? How?"

"Nne it's a long story. I'll tell you everything once I'm back but for now I just want to go see Rebecca"i replied as I packed up my sewing materials.

Nne shrugged her shoulders and looked at her mended clothes.
Suddenly she looked back at me.
"That Rebecca i don't like her. She has changed. I overheard you three talking the last time they came. My eyes may be weak but my ears are sharp. I was in the backyard and I was approaching the frontage when I overheard the way she was talking.
She was saying Nonso visits you always but not her. Her attitude, I don't know, but it seemed different and so fake"

I sighed deeply and nodded my head at Nne.
"That's why I want to go settle all the issues"

"If you ask me, I'll tell you to stay away from that girl. I don't like her aura again"Nne admonished.
I chuckled and nodded my head at Nne.
If she still didn't want to listen to me then I'll give up on trying to talk to her.
I took the sewing materials and Nne clothes inside.
I stepped outside and told Nne I'll be back quickly so as not to get her worried as I headed for Becca's house.

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