Chapter 27

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Nne watched as Francis fumed with anger. He had dagger eyes as he stared at Nne.
"Francis please calm down. Don't let Amara hear you"Nne pleaded.
Francis waved his hand at her and turned his face away, hissing.
    "But it's high time we tell that girl the truth. Let her know that she is not our blood"Francis said.
"Tell her what exactly? That the person she sees as her dad isn't her biological father? That her biological father is a rapist? That the only thing connecting her to this family is because Emeka decided to take care of her and her late mother?"Nne asked rheotorically. She was really distressed.

"Yes!"Francis replied almost immediately.
"Tell her everything! Let Amarachi go find her real family. We are not her family!"

Nne couldn't believe her ears. Francis was purely insensitive to human feelings.
Her weakened eyes became tear filled as she gazed upon francis.
"Francis how wicked can you be? Why do you want to shatter Amarachi? Why are all of you against Amarachi?"Nne wailed as tears trickled down her wrinkled cheeks.

"Mama all this could have been avoided if you allowed me marry Chinenye!"Francis lamented.

"What did i just hear?!"Lydia exclaimed as she walked out from one of the inner rooms with hands at akimbo.
"What did i hear? No repeat it Francis. So you still harbour feelings for Chinenye!"Lydia barked as she approached Francis and Nne.

"Lydia you are misunderstanding it"Nne said in a bid to lessen the rising tension.
Nne turned to face Francis,hoping he would say something but he just
stood transfixed.

"Misunderstanding what!? So even in death, Chinenye is still holding my husband captive!"Lydia yelled.
Francis hissed and walked away, not wanting to handle Lydia and her shouts.

"Francis let me tell you it wont work o! I am still your wife! Chinenye is dead and long gone. If you want to meet her then you better die too! Useless man"Lydia growled before heading outside the house.

Nne buried her face in her hands as she cried quietly.
Her family was falling apart. She badly wished Chinenye and Emeka were still alive.
Nne knew Amara would be shattered if she learnt the entire truth.
Amara had always seen them as her family.
Tensions were rising and the prime target was Amarachi.


  I worked in silence,sewing clothes. Everyone worked in silence. Only the sound of the sewing machine could be heard.
My mind wasn't even in the cloth i was sewing.
I woke up this morning and saw Nne looking distressed. When she saw me,her countenance changed and she tried putting on a smile but i could see it was just a mask.
I tried inquiring from her but she insisted she was fine. I knew Nne was lying. It was unlike her to lie.
Something was definitely wrong.

  "Amara please give me that measuring tape"Adanna one of the girls that worked under aunty lydia requested. It snapped me out of my thoughts.
I handed it over to her,trying to maintain a smile on my face.
Suddenly chief Clement barged into the shop with some muscular men behind him.
My heart immediately sank. I had forgotten about him and his stupid proposal.

"Take everything in this shop and load them into that truck"he commanded.
Immediately the men started working. A wave of panic filled the entire room.
We tried stopping them but they pushed us away.
I immediately went to call aunty Lydia who was inside her office. She immediately  rushed outside upon hearing that chief Clement and his boys were around.
   I haven't seen aunty Lydia look this distraught. She knelt down begging chief Clement but he paid no attention to her, ignoring her pleas like she didn't exist.
Suddenly aunty Lydia faced me, anger written all over her face.
She looked so dangerous as she gazed upon me menacingly.

  "You are happy now right!"She roared.
"You this wicked witch!"aunty lydia added. Before i could utter any more word, she slapped me.
I broke down in tears and held onto the cheek she slapped.
"Today Amarachi you are leaving my house!"

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