Chapter 65

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Amara. Amara. Amara.
She is the only one on my mind. What is this girl doing to me?
I never actually imagined i would fall so hard for a girl.
What exactly is attracting me to her?Could it be her beautiful face and that lovely smile that makes me never want to see her cry?
Could it be her humble attitude and the fact that she is hardworking?
I chuckled to myself.

I was going crazy for her. I just want the best for her. Looking at her, I can see clear evidence that she is suffering even though she acts like everything is fine.
Ever since i witnessed her aunty almost beating her to death and the way Ogechi insulted her when we went out, I knew she wasn't happy in that house.

I can only imagine what she goes through everyday. Just the thought of her being mistreated made me clench my fist.

Suddenly i heard a honk outside which snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Who could that be?Mum is home. God i hope Dad didn't take a flight down here"
I wanted to call philemon but then i remembered my mum sent him on an errand.
The incessant honking continued which irritated me.
I stood up from where I was sitting in the corridor and headed towards the gate.

A range rover jeep entered once i opened the gate. The glasses were tinted so I couldn't really see who was inside.
I closed the gate and stared at the jeep.
My brows began to pull as i walked over to the parked jeep.
"Hello"I said hoping who ever was in there would hear me and come out.

The car door pushed open and a face I knew too well stepped outside.
What the fuck?!
Nicole immediately threw herself at me as she immediately started planting kisses all over my face.
"Jordan my love I've missed you so much!"Nicole ecstatically cried out.

"Nicole what are you doing here?"I asked once i was able to free myself from her embrace. She was the last person i wanted to see right now.
"Hold on a second. Dennis!"Nicole called out.
The driver seat opened and a slim, dark skinned man came out.
"So you sat inside there comfortably. Did my dad hire you to be lazy? Would you get my things out of the boot right now!? Lazy hungry fellow "Nicole yelled at the young driver.

I grimaced.
This was the clear difference between Nicole and Amarachi.
Nicole is just too rude for my liking.
The young driver apologised and immediately started bringing out Nicole's bags from the boot.

"You haven't answered my question Nicole"I snapped.
She turned to face me and wore a broad smile.
I never really realised this.
She and Amarachi actually resembled in a way.
One could actually mistake them for sisters or cousins.

Well she might have a resemblance with Amarachi facially but they were far different in attitude.
"I came here for you Jordan. Gosh! You were staying too long here so i had to come. Thanks to your dad and my dad, arrangements were made and i took the next available flight"

I massaged my temples and closed my eyes for some seconds.
"How long are you going to be staying here?"

"Jordan that is so rude of you to ask. Anyways if you must know, I'll be staying for one full week"

I was so shocked.
One what?
Is she crazy?
I really hope she doesn't spoil what I'm trying to build up with Amarachi.
"You will love my stay. Besides we will have so much fun"Nicole said licking her lips seductively.
She winked at me and headed towards the door.
"God!"I groaned out.
"Nicole if your visit will turn out to be a nightmare then I won't hesitate to throw you out"

* * * * * * * * *

"Emma look i have to go"Becca stated as she put on her bra straps.
Emmanuel groaned and grumbled.

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