Chapter 30

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Thank you all for still reading my book, voting, and adding it to your reading list. That means a lot to me. I'm happy that I reached 205000k readers. There are lots of grammar mistakes in this chapter, so I hope you won't mind that.

I want to apologize to all my readers for waiting this long for me to update. Since January I have been busy working as a bartender at wedding and birthday banquets celebrations. I tried finding time to write, but it was hard since I worked till late at night and come back home tired. I barely had time for myself or my family. It has influenced my health so much that I got sick. And now I have requested two weeks off work starting today, so I'm trying to recover. Thankfully, I didn't catch Covid, because I have been working so much that I lost strength, didn't sleep well, and felt exhausted. From now on, I just need to rest, eat healthily and relax. I promise I will continue writing this book until it's finished completely. Even it might take me a long time to update chapters, I won't disappoint my readers and leave this book unfinished.


Amelia and Sebastian prepared dinner together. Since Amelia didn't want another repeat of Sebastian's incident in the kitchen, she told him to cut tomatoes and cucumbers to make a salad while she makes meatballs with sauce and a desert Cream Brulee.

After they finally finished making their dinner, Sebastian helps Amelia carry the plates to the dining room and put them down on the table. He pulls up the chair for her and she sits down, thanking him.

"So what do you think, chef? is my salad good enough or do I fail again to do a simple thing?" Sebastian asks his wife.

"Not bad for your first time making it. Amelia said, mocking him. I say you pass this time, but don't worry, I can teach you some recipes so you can make it to me one day on your own."

"Are you making fun of me?" Sebastian asked her.

"Maybe, "Amelia replied, and then they both laughed.

What they failed to notice is Dante watching them from afar. He saw how both of them were having a fun time. The look on Amelia's face proved to him that Sebastian was not fooling around and what he said was true.

He truly tries to change for her. Dante heads back upstairs, leaving two of them alone, not wanting to disturb them. He walks into his bedroom and sits down on his bed. Dante thought about what Sebastian asked of him yesterday. He decided he was going to tell him his decision first thing in the morning.


In the middle of them eating and having a fun conversation Amelia smelt something that made her feel like she was going to be sick.

Sebastian upon seeing his wife's pale face gets up from his chair and goes to her asking her worriedly.

"What's wrong?"

"I think I have a bug."She says getting up from her chair.

Sebastian picks her up in his arms carries her upstairs towards their bedroom and walks inside the bathroom.

Amelia pukes on the bathroom floor as she didn't make it to the toilet on time dirtying her clothes. Sebastian helps her get to the toilet so she can throw up.

He kneels with her scoping up her hair into his hands pulling it away from her face so it doesn't get in the way while she throws up.

After five minutes Amelia was finally finished. Sebastian helps her wash her hands and cleans her face.

"Thank you," Amelia said turning to him.

"Are you all right now love?"Sebastian asked her.

"Yes, I am. She replied. This is the first out of many things you need to deal with now that I'm pregnant. Throwing up is a normal thing for pregnant women as we are sensitive to smells and it can make us puke."Amelia said.

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