Chapter 5

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Amelia is wondering why's Mark late. Just as she was about to use the phone to call him, she saw a car approaching her. 

"Sorry, I'm late said Mark I had a late meeting, and I tried to wrap it up sooner so I could get here on time."

" It's fine, said Amelia. I'm worried that something happened to you after all these roads ain't safe at night."Amelia said.

"I'm fine, now come on said Mark get in the car," Mark said.

"So, how was your day?" Amelia asked Mark.

"Busy as always, lots of paperwork meetings, and dad annoying me."Mark replayed.

"Well, if Mr. Damon is annoying you, then it's because you did something," Amelia said.

"It can be that, or he just loves to get on my nerves. So how your day?" Mark asked.

"My day was good. We didn't have many customers, and the kids missed me and I missed them. Little Alana gave me a gift, it was a drawing wait I'll show you," Amelia said as she reached for her bag to show the drawing to Mark.

"It's cute," said Mark.

"Yeah, it is, replayed Amelia. I'll be coming to see them tomorrow. I bring them my favorite cake and cookies."Amelia said.

"I'm sure kids would love that," Mark says.

"Yes, they would".Amelia replays.

"Almost forget you don't need to pick me up I'll get a cab and be home early," Amelia said.

"It's no problem for me I can pick you up," Mark said.

"I know you can, but you need to work and besides, you also need rest. We may be best friends, but you don't have to be with me all the time. I understand that you also have your job and duties and besides I'll be fine".Amelia said to Mark.

"If you say so."Mark replays.

The next morning

When Amelia left on her way to work, she finally thought that it's time to move out she is just worried about mark and how he reacts.

"Hey, Amelia, are you alright?" asked Camila.

"Yeah, you are staring at that wall for a long time now," said Sofia.

"I'm fine," Amelia answered.

" I don't think so", said Marie.

"You know you can tell us." Maybe we can help you somehow?" Annie said.

"I've decided to move out. I found an amazing apartment a long time ago, and I wanted to move out for so long but... I just couldn't tell mark or his parents. They have done so much for me already and I'm grateful for their generosity and I don't want to stay in their home."Amelia explained to her coworkers.

"Maybe we can help you?" the girls asked her.

"Do you know anyone hiring part-time? I just need a bit more to earn the rent for at least three months and everything after that would be easy. "Said, Amelia.

"Yeah, sure said Sofia. That new club the girls and I went to is hiring bartenders and waitresses and the pay is higher so you can try to go there."

"Thanks, girls. I'll go there after work before I leave for the orphanage."Amelia replays.

" No problem," the girls said.

After amelia finishes her shift, she went straight to the club hoping shell get the job. She went in and was headed to ask the bartender who she should talk about hiring.

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