Chapter 15

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Mark was at the store asking the lady about Camilla and the surveillance, but she kept saying she didn't remember any girl by the name of Camilla coming in. That made Mark even more suspicious. Not finding any answers here, he went home and wait for his father to come back, hoping he found something.

"Hello, mom," greeted Mark.

"My dear son, any news on Camilla or Amelia?" Mrs. Selma asked her son.

"Still nothing yet. The old lady from the store kept on saying that the girl by the name of Camilla was not in the store that day."Mark replays.

"She obviously laying," Mrs. Selma says.

"Yeah, I know she is, said Mark. This leads me to believe that someone has given her lots of money to shut her up or they had threatened her to not say anything."

"Did you try to offer her money?" Mrs. Selma asked her son.

"No, I haven't. But what would that do? She can take money from me and tell me some lies. So no, I will wait for dad and we'll see what he has." Mark said.

"Oh, my son, I just wish that wherever Amelia is, she stays strong. We don't know what she's going through right now. She will need us once we find her."Mrs. Selma says.

"I know, mom. When we find her, I'm taking her out of this city."Mark said.

"That's a good idea, son."Mrs. Selma said as she thinks Mark's idea might be good for Amelia.

"Thanks, mom," said Mark.

"I know you love her," his mother said.

"I do very much mom. She's my entire world," Mark replied.

"Yeah, I know you had feelings for her when you were fourteen. But your friendship is the strongest one I've ever seen. Said, Mrs.Selma. I remember how you meet her that day in the park ever since then you have become friends. I knew you would do anything for her and that is why I'm happy to see I raised you well."

"Thank you mom for everything you did for me and of course dad too, "Mark said gratefully.

"What about me?" Said Mr. Damon as he walked into the living room.

"Hello, dad any news? did you find anything?" Mark asked his father.

"Son, let's go to my office, and then I'll tell you everything."Mr.Damon said.

"Okay," said Mark while they headed upstairs.


Javier arrived in front of the cabin. He opened the car's door and lifts Amelia in his arms heading towards the cabin's door and just as he was about to open them Sebastian runs to him taking Amelia from his arms.

"Why didn't you call me? I could have waited outside so you didn't have to carry her."Sebastian said.

"I see what's the problem in here, you don't want me to touch her." Said, Javier.

"Yes, so please next time don't do that. I don't care if you are my best friend, I'll still kill you," Sebastian said.

"Okay chill bro, I will not steal her. Besides, I have a  girlfriend back in Italy or have you already forgotten that. So don't you worry Amelia is all yours, Javier said. Now come let's get her inside she's injured her forehead and blacked out."

Sebastian sets down Amelia on the couch. He took the first aid kit and clean the blood that was on her forehead, and then he put the cream on it to keep the infection from happening.

"If you're done with her, I have something to discuss with you in your office." Javier told Sebastian.

"I'm finished, Sebastian said. But I need you to lock her in the basement and put these handcuffs on her wrists."

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