Before The Maze [ 5 ]

Start from the beginning

That's why when Evony opened the door and saw a tussle of brown hair standing in the doorway, she froze.

Blinking fastly to make sure she wasn't dreaming, she ushered him into the room. "What are you doing here?" She harshly whispered, making sure she didn't wake anyone. Not to be conceded or anything, but if Thomas was going to stay for a little, she kind of wanted to have him to herself.

"Hello to you too." He said in a teasing voice. She gently closed the door behind him before grabbing his forearm and dragging him over towards the couches. He slumped over, almost tripping over his feet. "I'm sorry, I wanted to see you." He murmured. Evony cocked her head, holding back a smile.

"Me," She taunted, "You wanted to see me?"

Thomas nodded without thinking. "Wait no." He exclaimed once he realized he was exposing himself, "I mean I wanted to see you...and everybody else."

"No no," She countered, "I'm pretty sure you meant you wanted to see me...only me."


Evony laughed,"I'm messing with you, go tell Teresa to come on in and we can go wake everyone up."

Thomas visually tensed, she could see his shoulders stiffen and his thumbs begin to twiddle with one another. She took note of that, guessing that was one of his nervous habits.

The two sat in silence, the boy not knowing what to say, and the girl waiting for him to speak up. Seeing each other like this wasn't at all how Evony had been imagining it in her head the past three months. In her dreams it had been the other way around, with her being the one to creep up on him. Although she did have to say she was pleasantly surprised at his arrival.

She watched as Thomas continued to play with his fingers. "" He quickly spoke so fast that she could only make out a couple letters.

"You're going to have to talk louder than that." She grinned resting her hands on her hips. This was a time where she liked her height avantage. Being taller than all of the boys usually weird Evony out, but right now it made her feel like she had control.

"Teresa's not here." He said, releasing a sigh.

"See was that so-did you say she's not here?"

Thomas glanced at the floor, "Yeah that's what I said."

"Why?" She genuinely wanted to know. If the two were the only ones separated on the other side of the floor then she would expect for them to tell eachother everything. At least that's what she would do if she only had one other person her age to talk too.

"She didn't want to come."


"Yea." He replied. Both kids squinted their eyes in confusion.

"So she did or did not want to come?" Evony asked again.

"Didn't." He clarified letting out a laugh. She went to copy the action when a faint click sounded from the top of one of the staircases. They locked eyes, fear taking over their features.

She was already grabbing his hand, "Hide." Lacing their fingers she steered him towards one of the closest that were used to store things like sheets or extra pillows. Whipping open the door she pushed the boy into the tight space, making sure to close it without a noise.

Her hand was still on the handle when she heard someone speak.

"Evy?" Sonya whispered the nickname in the dark. It was a name only a handful of people were allowed to call her. Really it was only her closest friends.

"What are you doing?"

She spun around, her back flush against the door to cover the slits that could expose where Thomas was hiding. "Oh nothing-I mean I was doing something-I mean..." She quickly thought of a lie. "I was just seeing if there were any spare blankets in the closet, because I was going to sleep down here so I didn't come up there and wake any of you guys up."

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