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(Author: this chapter is a spoiler)
(author: I didn't know why did I write this chap tbh)

It was the first year of the 21st century it was in of the happiest day on earth, celebrating the new year all over the world and spending January 1st with their family and friends, you can hear the joy fullness across the globe, although each nation has different time zone. All of them celebrate it with endless happiness and joy.

Although the pleasure of joy and prosperity doesn't last long. A large explosion suddenly halted the world celebration, the size is hundreds of times larger than the most modern nuclear strike to ever exist in human history

Millions died in that one big explosion, reducing the percentage of humanity to 98%, although it's small compared to a small number, 2 percent of humanity got wiped out of existence, but it didn't stop as more explosions covered some small countries. Even the unstoppable America and red dragon China weren't able to stop the attack with that kind of magnitude.

Humanity's best weapon "nuclear weapon" a weapon that can erase an entire city with just one click of a button wasn't able to scratch the attack that decimated millions upon impact on the world

This attack continued for 10 years until there was nothing left above the ground, even a single human can't be seen running around, and the skyscrapers that touched the sky are on the ground covered with leaves and moss

The world humanity lived in is now deserted filled with sand, trees, and spores that come from the nearest lake or ocean as if the world goes back in time to reduce humanity's wrongdoing on the world called earth

The ship that invaded Earth finally decided to touch the flattened ground that they made using their "weapon".

The ship that landed are only 50 each had its name and class, the tiger class frigates (amount 25), the solar Vanguard (amount 15), and the troop carrier class(amount 10), most of the force are still in space wandering waiting for humanity to starve to death.

The troop carrier class can fit over half a million men and thousands of Hyperion class tanks. The carrier ship landed its payload, the carrier was so large it had over 6 miles in length and 3 miles in height the destroyed building was instantly crushed as it descended.

The carrier gate finally opened, and what came out will truly horrify the human race who will see it, they came out in a line like an army in the past, they have swords and shields that is taller than a regular human, and each one of "space zombie" came out with the same outfit, they are covered with an unknown metal covering their heads and the rest of their body.

they have a humanoid shape so you can say that they are like humans on the inside, but no they are far more different from humans, they are called "space zombies" They have a mind like humans but they don't have emotion.

They came out of their carrier and set their perimeter miles away from their ship guarding it tightly as they could while some of them go out to exterminate anything that can be considered a "threat" to their carrier.

Thus Humanities extinction commences

Hundreds upon thousands of the space zombies march their way into the last standing human settlement underground, they march through a hundred-meter-wide hallway.

The zombies step on traps and landmines that are super lethal from a human perspective, their bodies get blown into pieces, and some of them are pierced by hundreds of bullets raining down on them

The space zombie commander tried to process what was happening, but he didn't mind as he kept ordering his troops to advance inside the hardened bunker made by humans' most excellent scientists.

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