Chapter 5

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Disrespecting the clothing that Shuna made for me is a Sin that grants you suffering even after death. I closed my eyes while re-watching the memories of how I tortured those three a-holes even in hell. I chuckled as I thought about every second of it.

Getting bored from just standing still, I walked towards the nearest store and then looked at the starry sky again.

'those three... They speak English... Does that mean I'm in America right now? But I could be wrong' I think. I proceeded to close my eyes and start to imagine the planet around me, my vision zoned out as I watched the green planet and searched myself in it. There I saw myself inside the country of Japan.

foreigner? That fixes it. They're probably kids of a rich businessman from another country. Based on their accent, British maybe?

I found the nearest convenience store to buy some food, even though I was not hungry. I finally found one, it was just a few hundred meters from where I was standing.

Walking past some humans wearing thick coats to counter the cold air surrounding them. They looked at me like they had seen me before. They're probably thinking I'm cosplaying some anime, some teen started recording me for some reason, they must have been captivated by Shizu's beauty.

After a minute of walking, I finally reach the convenience store, clasping the door glass handle and opening it. I looked at the beautiful lady cashier, she had darkish brown hair and stary back eyes and she had dark piercings in her ears and lips. Weird. I thought and proceeded to walk past her.

I reached the food aisle and began searching for the best food. Most of the foods here are just crackers and chips. Well, it's food there's nothing wrong with it.

Grabbing a handful of the chips and some crackers while putting them all on my arm. Walking up to the counter just for me to be met with a gaze of the lady in the counter

"What?" I spoke to her in Japanese in which she replied "Nothing. It's just I kind of like your makeup..".

"Well, lady thank you but this is not makeup, look," I said to her as I created a handkerchief and brushed it in my face, surprising her as I did so.

"Wow" was just her reply as she continued "I have never seen someone so beautiful without any facial makeup" I closed her opened mouth. Taking advantage of it I bring my face close to her ear and whisper.

"And I'm a boy too~" I whisper in her ears which makes her even more surprised Stepping down from the counter and smile at her with my beautiful face.

Her body froze for a moment and came to her senses, shrugging off the things I said to her. Her body moves to scan the foods I bought.

After she scanned the rest, I took out a thousand dollars and put it on the counter. "you can have the change" After that I smiled at her again, teasing her.

I walked out of the building and proceeded to take a left turn then teleport on top of a very tall building. A gust of wind hits my body, my hair and coat flows like a river as it matches the rhythm of the flow of the wind.

Taking a seat at the edge of the building and take out a bag of chips, opening it and picking up one piece and take bite on it.

Honestly, this chip tastes good, although a bit chili. My eyes wander the almost empty street below me, I can see someone getting robbed, I can see someone committing a murder and someone getting caught committing his crime. I closed my eyes feeling the fresh cold wind until-

"You know that's not nice," I said while I still closed my eyes. "who are you?" the person said, loading the gun it holds.

"me? I'm no one" I replied as I stood up and faced my aggressor. Feeling threatened by me, she jumped a few meters away from me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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