Chapter 1 - Waking Up

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Birds chirp in the distance, the sound of water, flowing in the yard rang in my ear signaling the peacefulness of my surrounding. rays of sunlight illuminate everything inside the room, silver-blue hair shines as the sunlight hit it and the clock soon began making a sound, its bell echoing in every corner of the room. My body was slumped while I hugged the pillow beside me like a baby. My silk body molds the soft cushion below me, Feeling every non-existing muscle in my body stretch.

I opened my eyes, and my blurry vision became clearer. Seeing the marble ceiling above me, I stretch my arm to my sides and just feel all my slime muscles stretch themselves.

"mmh... I missed these feelings!" I groan in ecstasy. My stretching soon came to a stop as I sat on top of the bed, facing the window. The wind entered the room, feeling the breeze.

I look at my hands, there is still some charred left but most of them are just my skin.

[Due to the intense energy that you and Feldway generated, your hand was exposed to the condensed energy that burned your hand]] Ciel answered even though I didn't ask her.

"Thanks for that. But Feldway's hand got more damaged than I did. Why?" I replied to her.

[all of Feldway's energy was put into his sword so by that time he did not have any enchantment of defense] Ciel answered my reply

"So I could have finished him off back then?"

[Yes, although, you would have been killed if you ever had taken that route. The energy output of Feldway has the possibility of eliminating master] Her reply made my body shiver just having a glimpse of me getting cut in half clean.

"Well. At least didn't die so we can forget those already" I erased my worry by making a smiley face while I stare off into the distance.

I didn't hear her reply again but I'm sure that she's smiling at my survival.

A knocking sound interrupted our conversation and the opening of the door echoed. A female silhouette entered my vision. Her silky pink hair made even a tulip look like a leaf, and she has a small horn on her head that makes her face even cuter. Her name was Shuna the holy princess of Tempest Federation.

She stared in my direction as she stopped her movement. Her surprised face made her cuter than before.

"Lo-lord Rimuru! You're awake!" she quickly rushes to me. She hugs me tighter. If I were a human right now, I would be dead from just her hugging me this tight.

I didn't move from my spot nor did I move her from hugging me. I let her do as shpleasedse.

"Thank goodness you're okay!" she remarked as small tears flow from the edge of her eyes.

The door was suddenly burst open by another person. She was wearing a purple suit, her cleavage was showing from the largeness of bossom. Her odachi cut the door in half. her name was Shion, she was my secretary(sort of) and guard.

She rushed to my side with an unperceivable speed. Generating a sonic boom, destroying everything in the room except the large bed where I'm sitting.

"Lord Rimuru..." she murmured as she also shed small tears. Feeling Her big boobs scraping my back, my body tense, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"I'm home...." I gave them a pat on the head before they lifted up their beautiful and cute face. I responded with my smile making them stop sobbing.

I didn't dare to move from sitting on the bed, Letting them sob until there is nothing left. Afterward, they stopped crying, theirs still some tears left on their cheek, i Grab a tissue from nowhere and gently use it to grab the last tear on Shuna's tears.

Tempest AdventureNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ