Chapter Thirty-Five

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Kana's POV:

On rare occasions when the weight became too much. Burning, stinging and raging tears would form in my eyes and threaten to crush the world beneath their feet.

Crying in silence where no one came to check on those sobbing noises however was a straight fact. No one came. They never did, when I wasn't really crying Hava would come. Yet when it mattered the most, there was silence, a roaring deafening silence that drowned out the sobs.

There was silence swarming, the ghosts were silent today. Likely from the ball that would be happening. The rest of the guests got in late last night, Aldrich greeted them while Darwyn spared me from having to go down myself. He claimed, "It'll defeat the purpose of the ball, besides a little suspense never killed anybody."

Mother bless Darwyn. Now he adorned bback pants with a black button up shirt. Two buttons at the top were undone to show his toned chest, and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows to show his muscles off.

Armor would be a blessing, it would cost me a life-time of torcher to convince anyone to let me wear a set to a ball. Mari twisted my head into a crown, tonight the Princess would show herself to the world.

Last night, after all had been smoothed over. Adrich called me to his private office, he explained how he had sent a letter to Rhysand, inviting him and his court to come.

They never even bothered to respond. A ghost emerged, "Why fight for your sisters when they don't care whether you live or die?"

I thought back to the ghost, "I am the elder sister, it is my purpose and duty to protect them even when they hate me for it."

The silence returned and Mari murmured, "You look beautiful Princess." I dipped my head in thanks after she set the final pin into place. The crown of hair was intricate, more so than I thought it would be.

Darwyn murmured, "Mom has another tiara for you."

I nodded, Monster, Have your revenge. Darwyn led us from the room, the ball gown stretched in a small poof around my center. The dress was made of a see through fabric on top and the straight navy blue that matched it below.

On the bodice there was a dark navy blue stitching it held purpose in bringing out my top half and breasts, as well as covering up the built in support for my breasts. Smaller details were at the bottom as well tying the whole thing together. I was lucky enough to get away with satin navy blue flats.

Dione smiled at me and waved me into her room. We followed her in and she sat me down at her vanity. She hung diamond earrings from my ears, they were shaped like flowers and leaves flowing down into a singular point. She also added a silver tipped crown to the point of one of my ears.

A reminder of what Hybern took, and what I'd never get back. Dione smoothed her hand over the missing tip. I flinched and hissed, "Stop."

Dione quickly moved her hand away and set it on my shoulder. Her fingers made soothing strokes, and yet my mind wandered to why Aldrich didn't kill me for snapping at his pregnant wife like that.

Then I noticed how tense he was in the mirror and the hand Darwyn had set on his shoulder. Have your revenge. Revenge never got anybody anywhere.

Dione set the tiara on my head after one of her maids had fetched it for her. It was crafted from dark sapphires and diamonds. Yet even I knew why she was giving the crown to me.

The crown was crafted and held together by Illryian steel, there language and ancient runes barely visible but still carved into the spaces in between the gems. Shoulders pressed back adn chin raised, it was all I could do not to vomit.

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