Chapter Six

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The picture with the pen was drawn by @inspirationde on Pinterest. 

Feyre's POV: 

Regina and Brandelis were chatting about some battle five hundred years ago. I grumbled at them, "Why was this battle so important again?"

Regina said teasingly, "It's the battle's where the Valkyrie's fell duh. They were like the greatest warrior females in history."

"Oh," I mumbled. So that's how that happened. Brandelis, "I know that look you know something."

I used my hands to help me up a steep jump. The tiny cliffs and hills in autumn court were annoying as hell. The tiny cliffs are like four feet tall and I was short enough I had to use my hands to climb them. Regina and Brandelis with their fae genes could just jump up them without struggle.

I said, "I cannot tell anyone. Kana would court martial me if she found out I told anyone."

Brandelis said shockingly, "What's so important that she'd threaten to court martial you?" Regina snorted and murmured, "Something super duper top secret. My guess it has something to do with the female Illyrian legion."

She wasn't too far off. I grunted as I pushed up another mini cliff. Brandelis offered me his hand. I took it and he helped me up. Regina said, "So Feyre, what are you going to do after Amarantha is taken down?"

"I don't know." I said truly. I rambled, "If Nesta doesn't take up house head I'll have too, but if she does then I'll buy a house an hour or two away. Then paint the thing inside and out."

Regina nodded. She had never been one to judge me for my painting, "She punched my shoulder teasingly, "Just don't forget about us dumb fae anyways."

I nodded and thought about it. I corrected my mistake, "I lied to you," Regina glanced at me, I sighed. "After the war I'm probably going to step down as Commander. Or after we settle the things between fae and humans."

Regina looked outraged, "But why? You're like the best Commander ever, Fey!"

I shook my head, "And that's why I'm going to step down. You guys are all fae, I'll be dead before you guys probably even have kids. I just don't want you guys to hurt when the time comes."

Regina set her hand on my shoulder, "Just think about staying our Commander okay? The reason we'll all hurt when the time comes, Feyre, is because of how amazing you are."

Brandelis nodded his agreement. I asked, "How about you Regina, what do you and Matt plan to do?" She slapped my shoulder. I blinked, and glanced at Brandelis, I winced. "Sorry Reg."

Brandelis looked terribly confused. Regina said, waving her hand in the air, "Matt and I are mates, but you cannot tell anyone because Feyre, Matt and I are planning a fire night where we can break the news."

Brandelis nodded quickly, "My lips are sealed, and congrats Regina."

Regina smiled kindly at him and answered my question, "Well Matt and I might move back into Prythian but we are still discussing it so it's unofficial."

I winced. Brandelis noticed, "What's wrong?" I shook my head and sighed, "Kana is basically going to make betrayal impossible when we get back. Something the Reaper showed her how to do I guess."

Regina blinked, "She can do that?" I nodded and explained, "I don't have the details yet, but the reaper found a way to bind each other together through tattoos. It's why Kana told me I needed a name for the legion by the e=time I returned."

Brandelis put it together, "So she's going to mark the legion symbol on us and make betrayal impossible."

I nodded. Regina grumbled, "Amarantha will wish she knew about it." I snorted and said, "It's sad because the needle is made of bone. And only a bone-singer can make the required needle. Even more so, the reaper carved some enchantment into the needle that states only Kana can use it."

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