Chapter Twenty-Two

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Forewarning, this chapter has mentions of torcher

Kana's POV:

Feyre had left yesterday. Hava, who demanded to stay with me today, stood in front of me. "We needed them." Was all she had to say.

I glared at her, "Hava you just wanted them here to defend me, should Tamlin show up, he would have killed them all. Feyre's lost enough so I sent them back past the border so they could live."

Hava had been silent after that, winnowing us to the boarder. Tamlin snarled, "Where is my fiance?" I frowned at him, "Tamlin she was never yours to begin with."

"I have the papers, her father signed that I would marry her." Tamlin threw them down in front of me. I felt Helion's presence overhead. "I thought that you asked her to marry you and she said yes."

He snapped, "I had these to make sure the other court's wouldn't touch her." I ripped them in half, then ripped them over and over again until they were little pieces scattered in the wind.

"Tamlin, are you aware that I know you forged those correct?" he blinked, then snapped. "You call your father's signature fake?"

"That wasn't my father's signature." Tamlin barked a laugh and hissed, "And how would you know that?"

"The signature was signed with a right hand, my father is left handed. And thank you for admitting your wrong doing to me." I blinked innocently at him. I watched the gears turn in his head until he realized what he admitted to me.

"Do you think they'll listen to you? The Reaper died trying to kill Amarantha, you have nothing!" He snarled, stepping to close for Hava's liking. The tall female stepped just enough in front of me to prove her point.

"Beron, Kallias, and Tarquin likely won't listen to me, neither will you." His smirk made him all the more punchable. "However they will listen to Helion who has expertly hidden his presence from you until now, and heard the entire conversation."

Tamlin paled considerably, I set a hand over my heart. "Let me make this very clear to you Tamlin, should you ever threaten one of my sisters like that again. I will fucking slaughter you, do I make myself clear?"

He snarled and winnowed without a response. I frowned as Helion landed Meallan in the place Tamlin used to stand. His smirk was more joking than the blonde, idiot male before. "I'm pretty sure he didn't invite Lucien out of spite because the little fox actually likes you."

I nodded and Helion wrapped an arm around my shoulders pulling me toward Meallan. "Let's fly, you need some adrenaline to get you going."

I nodded again. Helion was most certainly an ass. He joked at every turn, and was also arrogant. He was also one of the only people who visited me. I snorted and he gave me a strange look. I talked like I was an old lady.

I shook my head and he Helped me into the saddle. Helion climbed up after me and Meallan launched us into the sky. Once we were out of earshot to the people below, I felt Helion settle a shield around us.

"I got an unusual message from my border commander stating that some certain birds were seeking to return home." Helion murmured. I groaned and elbowed him as hard as my weak body would let me.

"Let's not talk about this, Feyre already hates me enough." I grumbled. Helion winced and turned Meallan toward the training fields. "Feyre doesn't hate you, she just doesn't understand you like everyone else excluding dear Hava because you spend hours explaining your mind to her."

I barked a laugh and grinned, "A few years ago I thought I wasn't paying her enough so I came up with the excuse that she was also my personal therapist so I could get away with giving her a bigger paycheck."

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