Chapter Twenty-Seven

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(A/N This is a rather long chapter compared to the others. PS that's Kana's sword.)

Kana's POV: 

After I had convinced Xeres that I was fine, he sent for a few servants to help me. They came into my room quickly, and shooed me toward the bathroom. One drew the bath and dumped some oils and salts into the water, while the other brushed out my hair quickly.

"What are your names?" I asked calmly. They both seemed quite frightened of me. They looked at me, the older one brushing my head said, "Don't worry about it Princess."

"I'd like to know who's taking care of me." I said to them calmly, I smiled at them in the mirror. "I understand if you'd rather not, Rask can be brutal at times." At least from what I've read, from what my spies told me. The one with brown hair and soft hazel eyes looked like she was going to kill me.

The younger one reminded me of the sun, her hair was soft brown with natural blonde highlights. Her eyes were a soft blue with hints of teal and baby blue throughout her eyes.

They both left. Which left me alone. My breathing came in short breaths as I neared the tub. I glared at it, like it was the most horrid monster I'd ever faced.

I searched the bathroom quickly, and I found a small bucket in the closet. I scooped some water out of the tub and grabbed the sponge and soap from the rim of the tub.

I glared at the tub again minutes later as I dumped the dirty water back into the tub. My hand neared it and I flinched when the bedroom door opened. I focused my magic on the drain, the drain unscrewed and the water flooded out of the tub.

The servant spoke, "Your father wants us to help dress you lady." I frowned. "I am capable of dressing myself, just leave them at the bathroom door please."

"I'm sorry Lady, we cannot do so, we have orders from the king." The same servant spoke. She sounded like a snobby little bitch. "Please enter then." I tied a towel around me in a knot.

She entered with a distinct frown on her face. The other entered with her head down, clearly frightened from the servant that held her chin high. Like she was better than everyone else.

She waved me toward the dressing room, and I stepped on the stool with ease. She snapped, grossly, "You are quite thin darling, and that hair seems to like the slave quaters in Vallahan better than the royal castle of Rask."

She pulled the corset tightly around me, mother bless I hate these things. I glared down at her, I pulled at her bones a little, she shivered. But the servant put it off as cold. "Do you know what a Bone-Singer is?"

"Who doesn't? They are beautifully powerful, not more powerful than Prince Darwyn. Beside Lady, I'd give up now the princes are way out of your league."

Darwyn? I frowned and snapped at her, "It's a good thing that I'm Aldrich's daughter then, and a Bone-Singer who wants to kill you where your measly rat face stands. Excuse yourself, Servant. If I need someone I'll call for my brothers, Prince Theodoric and Prince Xerxes."

She paled and hissed while she scurried from the room. I hopped down off of the stool. I glanced at the younger maid in the corner. I set my fingers under her chin and made her look at me. "I'm very sorry for her horrible attitude, do you mind helping me out?"

She shook her head and fetched the dress quickly. She went into the room and brought in a different dress. I raised my brow, the dress was a gray hue that faded into black as it reached the bottom of the skirt.

The girl explained, "Kennedy rigged the other dress with itching powder, I figured you wouldn't like that."

I snorted and smiled, "No, I don't think I would have, thank you. Could I have your name?"

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