Chapter Twenty-Nine

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(A/N the art is not mine, twas found on pinterest)

Kana's POV:

Stalking away from the Illyrian's, I followed the High Lady of the Night Court. The sword hummed with warmth, a steady comfort as she shut the office door behind her.

Rarely, did this office get used, the dust on almost every surface was testament to that. Feyre asked, "Why are you here?"

"You are my sister's, Feyre, I wanted to see how you all were doing." I explained, heart dropping. Feyre glared, "But you didn't want to see if we were all okay?"

My lips pressed to a thin line, "I wanted to see how you all are doing, because after Hybern there is no way in the Mother's grace that any of us are okay."

Feyre's nostrils flared, before rubbing her temples with her fingers. Those fingers were just barely stained by paint. "Kana you set us all up, you lied to us for years. You can't just expect us to love you again."

"I have known the consequences for years, Feyre." I breathed, it barely more than a whisper. She threw her hands in the air, "Then why the hell didn't you fight? Kana we could have found you a cure!"

"When I was younger, I came a cross a book. It described the life of the first Valkyrie Queen." Feyre glared at me, I continued. "She was the first player of the Game of Prythian, she ended up controlling the entire continent for more than five hundred years. And by controlling, I mean keeping peace. She brought good trade, new medicines, and she introduced the topic of forging swords. In the end, she died, torchered to death by the High Lord of Autumn Court."

Feyre snapped, "She stayed dead." I frowned at my sister, "Feyre my turn playing the game ended when I died."

"Then why are you alive?" Why didn't you stay dead! I raised my chin, "The Mother had her reasons Feyre."

"You can't just take all of this back Kana! You lied to us! You got me killed, then resurrected as fae. Then Nesta and Elain paid the price too because you couldn't be bothered to stay alive long enough to advise us on what the hell to do!"

You caused this. Feyre's anger streamed out of eyes in the form of tears. I let her yell, you deserve this.

I know. "I cannot hold your hand forever, Feyre, when I died I planned on staying dead. Because there is no hope for a half fae bastard, who was cursed by her own mother to die."

She snorted, "You never held our hands, no you just shoved a weapon in it and told us to fight." I nodded, "I shoved weapons into your hands, and because of it we didn't starve to death. The four of you, Father, Nesta, Elain, and You got sick with a flu roaming the village."

Feyre's face dropped, while I explained. "You worked for Graysen at the time, one of his best hunters too, he paid for the medicine that healed you all."

Feyre hissed, "We would have survived." I declared, "You were the only survivors of that sickness Feyre. Four people, out of the entire infected three hundred survived."

"That was one time, out of hundreds." Feyre snapped. She brushed her hair out of her face, before yelling. "Kana you are the wisest and smartest female that the tragic warfare field has ever seen. Yet when two fae from a different continent show up, you just die?"

Crack. The same sound of a bone breaking, I decided, that's what my heart would sound like. You deserve this. You caused this.

"I can't control other people, Feyre. I am not daemati." I retorted, keeping my voice a steady calm. My hands folded themselves in a tight grip. I could feel the bones in my own hands breaking.

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