Chapter Fifteen

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Enjoy the double update!

Kana's POV: 

I was slumped in my chair. A rocking chair, it seemed fitting. Very fitting from the last letter Feyre sent me. You ruined me, I could have lived. And you cursed me to die, do not come to my wedding. You will not be welcomed.

Rhysand sat across from me. He visited often, the only one who perhaps bothered to visit. Feyre had not come to Regina's ceremony. When she left she deactivated the legion, in case of the worst so they would not feel her death.

Yet they never stopped sending letters.

And no one had ever received a response. When Feyre accepted his proposal I died a little. Not that I wasn't already gone, I would die soon enough. Rhysand had told me her words to him, I cannot leave Kana alone while she is dying.

Rhysand kneeled in front of me and wiped the tears from my face. His eyes were shadowed, Amarantha haunted him more than anyone. "I'm sure she is happy, Kana."

"I know." I smiled out at the window. It was something broken no one had ever seen from me. "But I am a horrible person, Rhysand. I shouldn't feel jealous that she gets to live and be happy, while my own mother condemned me to death."

"Everyone has a right to live, Kana." Rhysand said softly. I glanced at him, "Everyone but me."

He stayed silent. Not even he denied the truth. I curled myself into the rocking chair. I handed him a replica of my favorite chess piece. The Black Queen, the one Elain had given me. I curled his fist around it. "You are more likely to see Feyre again, if you see her can you give it to her?"

I tried not to break any further as I spoke, "Tell her that when I die the piece will split. So that she knows when my time comes." And that I still love my dear sisters.

Rhysnad took the piece and shoved it into his pocket. He wrapped me in a tight embrace. "She loves you Kana."

I whispered, "No Rhysand and I don't think she does." I have known the truth for a while. Part of me hoped that the mother would grant me a small piece of luck. But no, I knew I would die alone.

It was my curse.

Rhysand and I said our goodbyes, he left just like the rest of them have. I sighed and sat back in the rocking chair. Nesta never stopped by, Elain was too busy with her own duties and Graysen. Her husband, Elain was disappointed when Feyre didn't show.

Hava was out with the Originals today, I was too weak to join them. The shadows never came anymore either, they were too busy looking after their spymaster.

I cried in silence. For no one would ever hear my call for help.

No one ever had.

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Feyre's POV:

I sent a letter to Kana as my last hope. Begging here to come, so I could at least have one face I knew who would understand. I scanned the crowd for her, begging any god or star who would listen.

By the end of the night I knew no one had heard me.

Kana would not be here at my wedding. My ruination. I hated my dress, I hated the male I was marrying. I hated myself for being so weak and useless.

Alis glanced at me through the mirror. She stayed silent, she knew how many nights I cried myself to sleep. How many times I had brought the knife to my throat. And yet that thing, that thing in death that told me there was more to live for kept me alive.

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