Chapter Twenty-Eight

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A/N : The picture is on pinterest under the Wattpad account. I wanted to share this piece of funny I found, so in the chapter it goes.

Kana's POV:

Falcon's face haunted each step, breath, and sight. Wonder and curiosity were dangerous things. Glaring at the door th Aldrich's throne room, I frowned. Aldrich was protective. I had yet to see the extent of how protective he could be.

No one sits but the King. A ghost whispered into my voice. Ghost-Singer mos called them a lesser form of a Bone-Singer. What great lies the world had spun over the many years.

Bone-Singers could hear spirits of which if the body's old bones were near. We controlled the bones, scryed. Our own bones never broke as easily, A Bone-singer's body was designed by their magic to work best for the magic itself.

Another spirit came along, He is protective darling, yet you alone hold the power to sway his protectiveness over you. Straightening my shoulders, my hand raised to the door. With one final breath I knocked on the door soundly. When a beat of silence followed I gently opened the door peaking my head through.

Aldrich sat on his throne, legs stretched out before him. His bearded head propped up on a fist. His eye brow arched, "Are you going to stare?"

I blinked quickly and entered, clicking the door shut after. Walking a bit closer the lines of his face became clear, "Rask it beautiful-"

"You want to go back to Prythian." His statement echoed through the throne room. Nodding, I folded my hands declaring, "I have fought for Prythian, my entire life. The battle ahead is one I have prepared for since the day I started to play The Game. Before I am a Princess or even just Kana, I am a soldier, Aldrich. And I cannot leave a fight I began unfinished."

The King sighed, for here he is a king. While he wears the Crown and sits in his throne, He is the King of Rask. Aldrich is a king before he can ever be a father. For he is a father to every single person in Rask, and to my siblings and I as well.

"I will allow you to reenter Prythian." All attempts to hide the joy behind my eyes had failed. "On the conditions that you take Two of Rasks higher ranks with you, they will be of my choosing. You will also enter Prythian as the Princess and diplomat to Prythian."

"You pick one person and I get to pick one of my choosing as well." My hand set itself out to the side with the offer. Aldrich smirked a bit before declaring, "Then pick Princess Kana."

He watched my frown with a silent glee, "Prince Xerxes and I work very well together, I'm sure he can make room for a short trip." The King nodded and he scratched his chin, "Advisor Falcon Lorde will be joining you,"

My mouth pared slightly before I hastily snapped it shut. Aldrich chuckled, "Advisor Lorde has military experience, if Xerxes cannot keep up with your brain Princess Kana, then Advisor Lorde will be able to."

It was a good decision, the decision of a king. Retreating from the throne room, I couldn't help but wish I had been able to have both.

My sisters and my family.

✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ♞ ♝ ♜ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵

Death was a cruel thing. The tile piece had not been found by Nesta. Grief had struck my sisters hard. They had not found the pieces I had left for them.

Xerxes' gaze was harsh, I arched my brow in question. "What's with the death glare?"

"You don't have to go back." Xerxes hissed, the coldness shown through at last. "If you think your little speech is going to keep me from my sisters you might as well lay down and die right here."

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