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Riona dropped down into a chair, letting out a breath as she took her hair out of its ponytail. It was late, and she had just gotten back from taking Tup to the barracks for bed. Before that, though, she spent the evening serving stew and helping clean up the mess hall and kitchen. Now, though, she picked up her hand-held holoprojector, requesting a transmission. Running her fingers through her curly hair, she hummed softly as she waited for an answer.

"Woah, hey."

"You're not busy, are you?"

"No, just a little shocked that you called." He gave a teasing grin, causing her to roll her eyes.

"It's been a while. Didn't get to see you while I was at the temple last." Setting the projector on the table in front of her, she pulled her legs up into the chair and sighed. "I did something dumb, Ani."

"Well, that's nothing new." He hummed, shifting in his holo until he was sitting down. "I suppose this is something the council can't know about?"

"Especially Plo and Kit."

"Got it. You gonna spill, or do I have to beg for details?"

"I uh.. got caught by pirates." Her voice was small, face flushing with embarrassment. The last person she wanted to provide this information with was Anakin, but at the same time, he was the only one she could truly trust.

"I'm sorry, you what?" He frowned, brows furrowed as he looked at her. "Riona Orion, one of the most precise students in our class, got caught by pirates?"

"Weequay pirates."

"Weequa— No. Ri, did you- Did you get caught by Hondo?" She could tell by his tone that he was fighting back a laugh, and it only fed into the sense of embarrassment she was feeling. After a moment of stewing in her own feelings, she huffed. "Yes."

"Oh my— What were you doing to get caught? Why were you in open space?" He had stopped himself, knowing that laughing wasn't what his childhood friend needed right now. Instead, he showed concern.

"I just.. needed a little flight to clear my head. But the little flight turned into me being tied up for a couple days. Literally." She looked down at her hands, which were now folded in-between her knees, and chewed at the inside of her cheek.

"Now I see why you don't them to know." His tone softened as he watched her, he couldn't help it. He knew her well enough to read her body language, and know what was going on inside her head. "I can't imagine the clones could have frustrated you to that point, though. Not enough for you to go off world."

"They didn't. I did it to myself. Colt was here, and when he left I just.. I got into my own head about it. Couldn't focus on what I was doing, what the cadets were doing. I thought going out for a few hours would help."

"Oh man.. This is why the rule of attachment is a thing, Dice*."

"You have no room to talk about the rule of attachment." She had to keep from snapping at him, but she knew that he was right. Attachment clouds your judgment, makes you do stupid things. Gets you into situations you'd rather not be in. "It was different this time, though."

"What do you mean?"

"Just.. Imagine you didn't get to see Padmé for a year, and the last time you did see her, you didn't even get to say goodbye before you had to leave again. Then you hear that she's coming to you, but it's only for a few days." As she spoke her throat had begun to tighten, and she took a deep breath. She refused to cry over this again.

Anakin sat quietly for a moment, brows knitted together as he took in what she said. He put himself in her position, and quickly decided he didn't like it. Clearing his throat, he ran a hand through his hair. "Alright, you got me. I probably would've done the same."

 General in Training [ Star Wars ] Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora