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"Alright boys, show me what you learned in the time we spent apart." Riona hummed, sitting with one leg crossed over the other, the cadets having insisted that she sat down, aware of her injury.

"Do you wanna see combat or target practice, General Orion?" A cadet she'd deemed 'Scorch' after he'd become fascinated with a blow torch stood in front of her, a grin plastered across his face.

"Let's see your hand to hand combat." She raised an eyebrow, these boys progressing by leaps and bounds, as well as her Odd squad.

"On it, sir." He'd nodded, soon sparring with the others in teams of two. This was another squad that consisted of only four, Nala Se claiming this was because of the progress they'd made as younglings, and the speed at which it was made. Watching them now as adults, she understood why. They were all quick learners, and what they didn't get after a couple of sessions, that was all they wanted to work on until each squad member had gotten it perfected.

"Easy!" Riona yelled, eyes wide as she watched Scorch throw Sev over his shoulder and force him down with the heel of his boot. He'd bounced on the mat, the woman out of her chair and by his side in a second. As soon as she'd placed a hand on his chest she'd glared, the man laughing as he laid on the ground. Pushing away from him, she'd punched Scorch in the leg, huffing. "You guys suck."

"You said you wanted to see what we learned, so we showed you." Sev grinned, reaching over and grabbing her hand. "But, you need to go sit back down."

"I can't, you boys stress me out too much."

"General, don't make us take charge." Another cadet, who Riona calls 'Boss' for obvious reasons, walked over, Fixer trailing behind him and rubbing his head.

"Fix, did you get thrown, too?"

"No, sir. He dropped me on my head."


"What? It's a new thing we're trying for the droids." He'd shrugged, kneeling down and gently picking the woman up off of the floor. "And, you don't listen. You need to get back in the chair."

"I'm fine, really." She rolled her eyes, though didn't fight him, simply letting the man carry her over and set her down on the chair.

"As long as you're limping, you're staying in the chair." "I thought I stopped after this morning?" "Ha! So you admit that you were limping."

"Damn it."


"What planets in the outer rim are under Republic protection right now?"

"Why do you ask, General?" Wolffe raised an eyebrow, Riona having sent out a transmission to the commander.

"I've got two squads who might be able to graduate early, and I want to put them to a special test."

"And you're gonna do that by throwing them on a planet they've never been on?"


"That's harsh, even for you." He hummed, though a small, proud smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "Have you talked to the Jedi about it? Or the chancellor?"

"No, and I really don't think I need to. This is part of their training at the end of the day."

"All I have to say is, don't let General Plo catch you sneaking around. You're still technically injured, sir."

"Oh, he'll be fine. Now, again, what planets out here are under our protection?"

"Most of them, actually. But, if I may suggest, Naboo might be your best bet. There's a few different options when it comes to terrain, or if you really wanna make 'em suffer, Tatooine could work."

"Tatooine doesn't have a good enough landscape. These boys definitely need something more challenging than sand a few rocks. I'd take them to Pamarthe, but the islands and bridges are still trying to rebuild and heal."

"Then Naboo, sir. You've got jungle, grassland, swamp, the perfect mix for training cadets in combat."

"Think you could help me with one more thing?" She hummed, flashing a hopeful smile.

"Depends on what that thing is, sir." He hummed, head tilted somewhat as he crossed his arms.

"Could you help me get my hands on a gunship? I need one to train my pilots."

"Why do I have a feeling that you're trying to avoid the council?"

"Wolffe, are you gonna help me or not?"

"I'll see what I can do, General. But I make no promises."

"That's good enough for me."

"Alright, but realistically, you could just ask the Jedi for all this. I'm sure they'd be able to get it to you much quicker than I ever could."




"Goodbye, General. Good luck with this.. special training." He let out a small chuckle, Riona rolling her eyes playfully as she ended the holocall. Looking over at her R2 unit, she hummed. "I should've asked Rex, he'd get me a gunship here in hours."

The droid tilted himself to look up at her, letting out a string of beeps and chirps, the woman snorting. "Of course I'm sure he would. He is Skywalker's captain, after all. I wouldn't ask Cody, he'd tell Obi-wan."

She'd gotten another string of chirps, this causing her to chew the inside of her cheek. "He might tell father, but Wolffe is normally good with secrets. I don't think I have anything to worry about with him, aside from possibly not getting the ship."

Humming, she'd patted the top of the droid's dome as she headed for the door. "C'mon, let's go get some food. Plus, I think you need an oil bath."

He'd let out a string of loud, pitched beeps and chirps as he followed her, Riona rolling her eyes. "I really don't understand why you hate them, honestly. I think you're the only droid I've ever met that would rather get its gears locked up than take a bath."

"General, a-are you talking to your astromech?" She'd looked up to see Tech, the man having been walking past, datapad forever in his hand.

"Why yes, yes I was. Issue?"

"No sir, I just- You can understand it?"

"I've been working with Cobalt for a long time, sweetheart. You eventually learn what they're rambling on about." She hummed, the droid having been following incredibly close to the woman, Tech raising an eyebrow. "What's it saying now?"

"Trust me, you don't wanna know. He's got the vocabulary of a pirate."

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