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Riona and her astromech stood in the hangar, neither the prime minister nor the head scientist with her, claiming they trusted to let her greet the troopers on her own. As she stood, lightsabers on her belt, she felt a presence approaching. "Good morning, Ninety-nine."

"Uh, good- Good morning, mistress. Is there anything I can do for you while you wait?" He'd asked, gently taking her hand in his, always doing so. She didn't mind it, the small gesture honestly helping her relax.

"No thank you, sweetheart. Though, I appreciate the offer greatly. I only wish for these troopers to arrive quickly." She mumbled, squeezing his hand slightly and giving the man a smile. "You're not working too hard, are you?"

"No, mistress Orion, I could never work too hard. I enjoy my job." He was always so happy, despite all of the work the Kaminoans made him do. She could tell he was tired, even without feeling his force signature, and she worried for him.

"That's good to hear, my friend." She'd hummed, looking out at the rain filled skies just in time to see a small fighter make its way into the hangar. "I must go now, Ninety-nine. It's my turn to get to work."

"I wish you luck, my friend." He'd repeated the title with a grin, pressing a kiss to the top of her hand before limping away. Taking a deep breath, she'd approached the space craft as its cockpit opened, her astromech following at her side. As the men climbed out, she'd smiled.

"Welcome back to Kamino, troopers. I hope your trip went smoothly."

"As smooth as it can be with this guy at the controls." The trooper in blue hummed, gesturing towards the man in a yellow-orange armor beside him.

"Ah shut it, Rex." He'd huffed, removing his helmet and saluting the woman, the mentioned doing the same. "Commander Cody of the two hundred and twelfth battalion, and Captain Rex of the five hundred and first, General Orion. I suspect generals Kenobi and Skywalker informed you of our mission?"

"Yes, Commander, they did. Please, remain at ease while you're here. I'm a general, but not over you. I simply train my cadets, you and I are equals." She spoke with a steady tone, a small smile on her lips. The two troopers looked at each other, though slowly relaxed.

"Um, thank you, sir. We look forward to seeing how far your training has progressed these men." Rex hummed, giving a small nod.

"And I look forward to hearing your opinions."


Riona was in a practice battle with both Wolffe and Hardcase's squadrons, having begun combining teams so that they can learn to work together, and they were doing well. She was impressed with Hardcase, glad that he was able to focus and keep his head in the game during a fight. Using the pale blue plasma blades of her sabers, she blocked and redirected the practice blaster bolts, the cadets doing well to dodge the barrage of fire she was sending back. "You boys getting tired, yet?"

"Concentrate all fire on the hands!" Thorn called out, the Jedi letting out a small laugh, shifting to spin her sabers and effectively protect herself.

"It's no use!" Comet groaned, he and Kix working side by side to try and get closer to their general, slowly pushing forward.

"Oh come on, boys! There's one of me and ten of you, what's gonna happen if there's two sith you're fighting against?" She'd called out, Waxer letting out a yell as one of the blaster bolts caught him in the shoulder. Taking a step forward, she'd planned on taking out Hardcase, the cadet standing alone as he fired, but before she knew what was happening she was on the floor, lightsabers clattering away from her. Pinned on her stomach, she'd thrown her weight to get the man off of her, though that just resulted in the woman laying on her back, Wolffe hovering over her. He'd shifted to pin her hips down with his knees, an arm pressed to her chest to keep her from sitting up.

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