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"Well, someone needs a nap." Plo Koon raised an eyebrow, arms crossed as he examined the woman. She looked.. disheveled, to put it nicely. The Kel Dor couldn't remember the last time he'd seen her so exhausted.

"How did you know I was coming?" She mumbled, stepping up to stand with him. She hated to admit it, but, she knew she'd feel better about the medbay if he was with her.

"A pair of troopers you brought with you. Somehow, they were able to get onto my com frequency."

"Fu-" "Riona." He spoke in a warning tone, giving the woman a look. Huffing, she'd rolled her eyes. "Tech and Hunter. They hacked your frequency."

"And for good reason, it seems." He offered his arm, the woman gently taking it, letting him lead her into the temple. "They seem worried about you."

"They're just not used to me being unable to keep up with them. That group.. They move quick. With them and Delta both training at the same time like that, it kills me. We've never done that before." She mumbled, walking in step with him down the large corridors. Being back in the temple after so long felt good, she hadn't realized how much she'd missed it. She felt at home for the first time in a long time.

"What about that trip to Naboo?"

"That wasn't training, it was a test. I worked with each squad separately. Plus, I was able to rest when my back would start acting up. Can't do that when you're showing off to the chancellor."

"Have you ever thought about not being a show off?" He hummed, tone teasing.

"Well where's the fun in that?"

"You probably wouldn't get hurt." He gave her a look, gently pulling her into the medical facility.

"You- You're gonna stay with me, right?"
She'd faltered somewhat, looking up at him.

"Of course I am, my little star."

"Miss Orion, it's been a while." Rig Nema hummed, smiling as she made her way over.

"Good afternoon, Master Nema." She'd bowed somewhat, having pulled away from Plo. "I hope I'm not taking away from your more important patients."

"Of course not, my dear. Come, I've gotten a room set up for you." She hummed, gesturing for Riona to follow.

"You knew I was coming, too?"

"Mhm. I received your report from the medic of the five-hundred and first battalion."

"Ah, I wonder how you got that." She'd rolled her eyes, the man trailing behind her giving a light tap to her lower back. That was something he'd always done in situations where he couldn't scold her, the gesture letting her know that she was out of turn.

"Sit, my dear. Remove your robes and I'll take a look at your back." Rig hummed, Riona doing as she was told while Master Plo stood by the door. "What have you been doing for treatment?"

"Nothing, for the most part. Kix used bacta patches when it first happened, and since then I've only really just stretched. When my legs give me issues I'll massage them." She mumbled, sitting down on the edge of the bed in her undergarments, the woman completely comfortable with the Kel Dor in the room.

"What kind of issues do they give you?" "Sometimes they get stiff, and along with my back, they get a dull ache." The medic had gently placed a hand over the scar where the blaster bolt had hit, eyes closing. The touch on her bare skin had caused a chill to flow through the young woman, who sat as still as possible for the older Jedi.

"The wound has caused inflammation in your spine, and your muscles have pulled apart. That is where the leg issues are coming from, the muscles in your back have become loose, and it's weighing on the muscles below, transferring the pain."

"Is there a way fix the problem?" Plo looked to the Halaisi, Riona chewing at the inside of her cheek as she processed the diagnosis.

"Painkillers will help with the inflammation, but only time will heal the muscles." She hummed, soon placing a bacta patch over the dark scar. "Riona, you mustn't push yourself. That will only extend the timeframe it will take to heal."

"Yes, Master Nema." She'd nodded, despite not liking what she heard.

"Leave the patch for a few hours, but aside from that, you are now free of my care." She'd offered a small smile before turning and leaving the room, Riona letting out a shaky sigh. "Dad, I-"

"Do you want to stay in Coruscant for a bit longer?" Plo mumbled, moving to sit beside her on the examination table. "You're only scheduled to be here for a week."

"I didn't even want to be here that long. I have so much to do back in Tipoca City." She shook her head, gently leaning against his side, the man slipping his arm around her. "I can't just leave the cadets like that, especially so close to their tests and graduation."

"Isn't that why you suggested the bounty hunters?"

"I had them brought on to help, not take over. There's a squadron that's been really struggling this time around, and I just- I know they're gonna succeed. I want to be there to see it. I can't do that if I'm here in the temple, worried about a little pain."

"It's more than just 'a little pain', my love. I fear if it becomes worse, you will lose the ability to walk."

"Then I'll get cybernetic legs."

"That's not how it works, Riona."

"I'm sorry, father, but I don't care. I refuse to abandon this assignment, that you suggested to the council be given to me, because of a stupid blaster wound."

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